c# Programming Glossary: displayformat
Unable to set datetime format in MVC 4 using data annotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12109007/unable-to-set-datetime-format-in-mvc-4-using-data-annotations yyyy Display Name Release Date DataType DataType.DateTime DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode true DataFormatString 0 dd MM yyyy public.. use this Display Name Release Date DataType DataType.Date DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 dd MM yyyy ApplyFormatInEditMode true public..
string.empty converted to null when passing JSON object to MVC Controller http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12734083/string-empty-converted-to-null-when-passing-json-object-to-mvc-controller . You can set the ConvertEmptyStringToNull with the DisplayFormat attribute public class OrderDetailsModel DisplayFormat ConvertEmptyStringToNull.. the DisplayFormat attribute public class OrderDetailsModel DisplayFormat ConvertEmptyStringToNull false public string Comment get set..
DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13253964/displayformat-applyformatineditmode ApplyFormatInEditMode I use MVC 3 in C# I have a class with.. I use MVC 3 in C# I have a class with this Attribute DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 dd MMM yyyy ApplyFormatInEditMode true I.. asp.net asp.net mvc 3 share improve this question The DisplayFormat attribute is literally only for displaying the value. If you..
How should I use EditorFor() in MVC for a currency/money type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5080451/how-should-i-use-editorfor-in-mvc-for-a-currency-money-type asp.net mvc currency money share improve this question DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 F2 ApplyFormatInEditMode true public decimal.. which will allow you to DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 F2 ApplyFormatInEditMode true HtmlProperties..
Assign format of DateTime with data annotations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5252979/assign-format-of-datetime-with-data-annotations share improve this question Try tagging it with DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode true DataFormatString 0 MM dd yyyy share..
unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9380010/unobtrusive-client-validation-using-fluentvalidation-and-asp-net-mvc-lessthanore public class MyViewModel Display Name Start date DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 yyyy MM dd ApplyFormatInEditMode true public..