

c# Programming Glossary: discovering

Bluetooth in C#, Which stack, Which SDK?


I can concurrently be receiving two OBEX PUTs and also discovering devices. That's using 32feet.NET's ObexListener class and the..

Monitor vs WaitHandle based thread sync


into kernel mode which is fairly expensive. But since discovering SO and reading a few of the questions answers here I have started..

Entity Framework CodeFirst delay experienced


is going on Model Caching There is some cost involved in discovering the model processing Data Annotations and applying fluent API..

Asynchronous Delegates Vs Thread/ThreadPool?


the thread to have a fixed identity aborting suspending discovering . 4. Thread class Use the Thread class for long running tasks..

C# Configuration Manager . ConnectionStrings


to those who may or may not stumble on this after discovering the machine.config it's become apparent it is bad practice to..

How to pre-load all deployed assemblies for an AppDomain


uses both Shadow Copying so my algorithm would need to be discovering and loading them from the shadow copy drop folder not from the..

Why is cross thread operation exception not thrown while running exe in bin\Debug


was acceptable. Because the programmer had no real hope of discovering the problem without a diagnostic. Microsoft cares a lot about..

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?


and cons of those thank you. This isn't an exercise in discovering all the obscure little containers that people have made I'm..

Why isn't ArrayList marked [Obsolete]?


ArrayList is painful and at least theoretically prone to discovering type related bugs at execution time rather than compile time..

Memory barrier generators


memory barrier were present. Thanks to Hans Passant for discovering this and bringing it to my attention. 1 1 This explains why..