

c# Programming Glossary: directoryentry

c# Active Directory Services findAll() returns only 1000 entries [duplicate]


of every login IList string adslist new List string using DirectoryEntry de new DirectoryEntry LDAP armlink.com null null AuthenticationTypes.Secure.. string adslist new List string using DirectoryEntry de new DirectoryEntry LDAP armlink.com null null AuthenticationTypes.Secure using..

Creating local user account c# and .NET 2.0


for local accounts replace the respective lines with these DirectoryEntry localMachine new DirectoryEntry WinNT Environment.MachineName.. lines with these DirectoryEntry localMachine new DirectoryEntry WinNT Environment.MachineName DirectoryEntry newUser localMachine.Children.Add.. new DirectoryEntry WinNT Environment.MachineName DirectoryEntry newUser localMachine.Children.Add localuser user Here starts..

How can I get a list of users from active directory?


context foreach var result in searcher.FindAll DirectoryEntry de result.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry Console.WriteLine.. DirectoryEntry de result.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry Console.WriteLine First Name de.Properties givenName .Value..

How to get the groups of a user in Active Directory? (c#, asp.net)


UserPrincipal object you need to dig into the underlying DirectoryEntry public string GetDepartment Principal principal string result.. Principal principal string result string.Empty DirectoryEntry de principal.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry if de null.. DirectoryEntry de principal.GetUnderlyingObject as DirectoryEntry if de null if de.Properties.Contains department result de.Properties..

Find Recursive Group Membership (Active Directory) using C#


void Main string args Connection to Active Directory DirectoryEntry deBase new DirectoryEntry LDAP WM2008R2ENT 389 dc dom dc fr.. Connection to Active Directory DirectoryEntry deBase new DirectoryEntry LDAP WM2008R2ENT 389 dc dom dc fr To find all the groups that.. t 0 1 property srcGroup.Properties property 0 DirectoryEntry aGroup new DirectoryEntry srcGroup.Path DirectorySearcher dsLookForAMermber..

Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher in Asp.Net?


Can I cut it up into multiple searches Here is my query DirectoryEntry dirEnt new DirectoryEntry LDAP dhuba1kwtn004 string loadProps.. searches Here is my query DirectoryEntry dirEnt new DirectoryEntry LDAP dhuba1kwtn004 string loadProps new string cn samaccountname..