c# Programming Glossary: dispatched
Avoiding the woes of Invoke/BeginInvoke in cross-thread WinForm event handling? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1364116/avoiding-the-woes-of-invoke-begininvoke-in-cross-thread-winform-event-handling You'll notice the ObjectDisposedException being dispatched to all waiting cross thread invocations. Shortly following this..
Why do structs need to be boxed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1978589/why-do-structs-need-to-be-boxed vtables and can't be directly used to resolve dynamically dispatched methods . Besides to treat something as a reference type you..
Significance of Interfaces C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2220987/significance-of-interfaces-c-sharp DoSomething on that variable with the method call being dispatched to the instance that is currently referenced by that variable...
ContextSwitchDeadlock Was Detected error in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2797677/contextswitchdeadlock-was-detected-error-in-c-sharp in a worker thread calls to their methods cannot be dispatched until your main thread goes idle again. It should be readily..
A super-simple MVVM-Light WP7 sample? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3655422/a-super-simple-mvvm-light-wp7-sample changes. If the checkbox is clicked the event will be dispatched to the model causing the server to be updated. Optimally this..
No ItemChecked event in a CheckedListBox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4454058/no-itemchecked-event-in-a-checkedlistbox method it runs as soon as all events are dispatched side effects are complete and the UI thread goes idle again...
Html.ActionLink cannot be dynamically dispatched http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5832692/html-actionlink-cannot-be-dynamically-dispatched cannot be dynamically dispatched I have a problem with MVC3 I'm trying to use @Html.ActionLink.. by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or calling the extension..
Delegate.CreateDelegate vs DynamicMethod vs Expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/597819/delegate-createdelegate-vs-dynamicmethod-vs-expression issue and neither is memory the delegates are cached and dispatched to in a strongly typed way. These delegates are hot paths accessed..