

c# Programming Glossary: dispatchmessage

How to invoke an UI method from another thread


while GetMessage message NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage message DispatchMessage message With these few lines of code your application wait for..

What is a message pump?


MSG msg while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg The GetMessage Win32 API retrieves a message from Windows... is a helper function that translates keyboard messages. DispatchMessage ensures that the window procedure is called with the message...

C# Console App + Event Handling


write the message pump by hand using user32 GetMessage DispatchMessage. But it's probably easier to use the one in WinForms or WPF... structure of a program that uses user32 GetMessage user32 DispatchMessage c# event handling console application share improve this.. case while GetMessage msg NULL 0 0 TranslateMessage msg DispatchMessage msg As you can see from the window setup boilerplate this still..

Setting up Hook on Windows messages


use a regular message loop GetMessage TranslateMessage DispatchMessage etc or equivalent. MessageBox.Show Tracking name changes on..