c# Programming Glossary: disagree
Questions about Entity Framework Context Lifetime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10777630/questions-about-entity-framework-context-lifetime share improve this question Let's get controversial I disagree with the general MVC EF consensus that keeping a context alive..
Event and delegate contravariance in .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1120688/event-and-delegate-contravariance-in-net-4-0-and-c-sharp-4-0 features in C# 4.0 will affect it. In Beta 1 C# seems to disagree with the CLR. Back in C# 3.0 if you had public event EventHandler..
Design by contracts and constructors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767247/design-by-contracts-and-constructors by contract share improve this question I completely disagree with Thomas's answer. As long as you are making choices in the..
Why would a class implement IDisposable explicitly instead of implicitly? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3119288/why-would-a-class-implement-idisposable-explicitly-instead-of-implicitly
Copy constructor versus Clone() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3345389/copy-constructor-versus-clone because I thought it was irrelevant. Apparently others disagree so I asked whether a copy constructor operator function needs..
In MVVM should the ViewModel or Model implement INotifyPropertyChanged? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/772214/in-mvvm-should-the-viewmodel-or-model-implement-inotifypropertychanged
Restricting a generic type parameters to have a specific constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9741211/restricting-a-generic-type-parameters-to-have-a-specific-constructor resulting in surprising behaviors. but I really must disagree. In C# well in .NET surprises like Hot to make a penguin fly..