

c# Programming Glossary: disc

File.Delete failing when Image.FromFile was called prior it, despite making copy of loaded image and destroying original one


though it is somehow odd that .NET still lock file on hard disc despite it is no longer required for any operation entire image..

C# Maths gives wrong results!


solution. double Value 141.1 double Discount 25.0 double disc Value Discount 100 disc 35.275 Value disc Value 105.824999999999999.. 141.1 double Discount 25.0 double disc Value Discount 100 disc 35.275 Value disc Value 105.824999999999999 Value Functions.Round.. 25.0 double disc Value Discount 100 disc 35.275 Value disc Value 105.824999999999999 Value Functions.Round Value 2 Value..

Very slow compile times on Visual Studio 2005


enough to sure compile times can be inconsistent due to disc activity. Due to time limitations my tests didn't include as..

How to parse a text file in C# and be io bound?


C# and be io bound It is known that if you read data from disc you are IO bound and you can process parse the read data much.. parse the read data much faster than you can read it from disc. But this common wisdom myth is not reflected by my tests. When.. separated by a space I am much slower than my physical disc speed factor 6 . The text file looks like this 1 1 0 2 1 1 3..

Notification when a file changes?


I can be notified in C# when a file is modified on the disc c# file filesystemwatcher share improve this question That..

Visual C# 2010 Express Full download? [closed]


to download it from a PC that is online put it on a flash disc and install it on the offline PC. Anyone that can point me in..