

c# Programming Glossary: dispatcher

Can you access UI elements from another thread? (get not set)


seems that the app WPF crashes after 2 seconds. Using the dispatcher works Thread t new Thread o Thread.Sleep 2000 myTextBox.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke.. 2000 t.Start Thus you still need to go through the dispatcher thread when reading values from GUI components at least in WPF... Bottom line It's a good idea in any case to use the dispatcher when interacting with GUI components from other threads as it..

BUG: Cant choose dates on a DatePicker that fall outside a floating VSTO Add-In


the window. Key things that go wrong when their respective dispatcher isn't used are stuff like tabbing and short cut keystrokes...

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'textBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on


you see this error. To remedy this you will have to use a dispatcher as descibed in the MSDN article How to Make Thread Safe Calls..

Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests


runs the code in the delegate. c# .net wpf unit testing dispatcher share improve this question You can unit test using a dispatcher.. share improve this question You can unit test using a dispatcher you just need to use the DispatcherFrame. Here is an example.. my unit tests that uses the DispatcherFrame to force the dispatcher queue to execute. TestMethod public void DomainCollection_AddDomainObjectFromWorkerThread..

Invalid cross-thread access issue


class in multi threaded manner I know you have to use dispatcher on UI to update. How do you update ViewModel that is bound to.. to update a DependencyProperty in a ViewModel use the same dispatcher you would use to access any other UIElement System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke..

ObservableCollection and threading


happening from the UI thread so i don't have access to the dispatcher. c# wpf multithreading observablecollection share improve..

Task continuation on UI thread


have the code below it is working but keeping track of the dispatcher and creating a second Action seems like unnecessary overhead... creating a second Action seems like unnecessary overhead. dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher Task task Task.Factory.StartNew.. DoLongRunningWork Task UITask task.ContinueWith dispatcher.Invoke new Action this.TextBlock1.Text Complete c# .net wpf..

Large Switch statements: Bad OOP?


this kind of implementation... I always think of it as a dispatcher style based on the MVC approach to handling URLs. share improve..

How would I run an async Task<T> method synchronously?


a suggestion from here however it doesn't work when the dispatcher is in a suspended state. public static void WaitWithPumping.. I found that works for all cases including suspended dispatchers . It's not my code and I'm still working to fully understand..

How to create a task (TPL) running a STA thread?


for the current synchronization context which is the WPF dispatcher when you're running a WPF application . Then use the ContinueWith..

Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests


the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests I'm having trouble getting the Dispatcher to.. Dispatcher in unit tests I'm having trouble getting the Dispatcher to run a delegate I'm passing to it when unit testing. Everything.. during a unit test the following code will not run this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke new ThreadStart delegate this.Users.Clear foreach..

Comparing Timer with DispatcherTimer


Timer with DispatcherTimer what is a difference between System.Windows.Forms.Timer.. System.Windows.Forms.Timer and System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer In which cases we should use them any best practices c#.. and you want the timer to fire on the main UI thread. DispatcherTimer is the WPF timing mechanism. It should be used when you..

How can I use the Dispatcher.Invoke in WPF? Change controls from non-main thread


can I use the Dispatcher.Invoke in WPF Change controls from non main thread I have recently.. the following problem. I don't understand how to use the Dispatcher.Invoke method. I have experience in threading and I have made.. can this be resolved Answer comments @Jalfp So I use this Dispatcher method in the 'new tread' when I get the data Or should I make..

How do I update an ObservableCollection via a worker thread?


When I tried it I got an exception saying that only the Dispatcher thread can modify an ObservableCollection and work came to a.. item Action T addMethod collection.Add Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke addMethod item ... b_subcollection.AddOnUI new B..

ObservableCollection and threading


to its SourceCollection from a thread different from the Dispatcher thread. Note that this is not happening from the UI thread so..

Understanding the Silverlight Dispatcher


the Silverlight Dispatcher I had a Invalid Cross Thread access issue but a little research.. but a little research and I managed to fix it by using the Dispatcher. Now in my app I have objects with lazy loading. I'd make an.. I'd make an Async call using WCF and as usual I use the Dispatcher to update my objects DataContext however it didn't work for..

WPF Dispatcher {“The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it.”}


Dispatcher &ldquo The calling thread cannot access this object because.. progressBarRefresh while con.Progress 99 progressBar1.Dispatcher.Invoke DispatcherPriority.Send new Action delegate progressBar1.Value.. while con.Progress 99 progressBar1.Dispatcher.Invoke DispatcherPriority.Send new Action delegate progressBar1.Value con.Progress..

How do we do idle time processing in WPF application?


improve this question You can dispatch a task using the Dispatcher in the normal way with a DispatcherPriority of ApplicationIdle.. a task using the Dispatcher in the normal way with a DispatcherPriority of ApplicationIdle which will only be executed when..

The current SynchronizationContext may not be used as a TaskScheduler


in my ViewModel and the results are marshalled back on Dispatcher using TaskScheduler.FromSyncronizationContext . For example..

Problem with delegate Syntax in C#


form applications. Silverlight and Java are providing the Dispatcher which really helps when updating GUI Elements. Code Samples..