

c# Programming Glossary: disadvantage

How do I prevent the app from terminating when I close the startup form?


Form2 frm new Form2 frm.Show this.Hide but there is a disadvantage that the application does not exit when the Form2 is closed.So..

When should I use out parameters?


function simply returns a string but you get the idea. A disadvantage is that you have to declare a local variable to use them string.. DoSomething 5 However that may not even be a disadvantage it depends on the design you're going for. In the case of DateTime..

How to get distinct instance from a list by Lambda or LINQ


bit slower than one that uses Distinct . Despite this disadvantage there are two great advantages simplicity and flexibility. Usually..

Project reference work-around .net 4.5 and .net 3.5


each project under what CLR to run. Does anyone see disadvantage to this It builds the projects on my 3rd party api that must..

Why are Cdecl calls often mismatched in the “standard” P/Invoke Convention?


GUI operating system in 640 kilobytes of RAM. Its biggest disadvantage is that it is dangerous . A mismatch between what the caller..

Should I learn VB.NET or C#? [closed]


even more so in the upcoming version VB has now a serious disadvantage. In conclusion my advise is to start with C# and perhaps try..

Edit a specific Line of a Text File in C#


it to a 0 indexed before sending it further. Also a disadvantage of directly overwriting the old file with the new file is that..

Why .NET String is immutable? [duplicate]


there can be many advantages in being immutable. The main disadvantage is in requiring extra constructions though even here it's often.. with their inherent construction . It would be a disadvantage if mutability was part of the purpose of an object who'd want..

How to specify dynamic field names in a Linq where clause?


the same as writing raw SQL against the database. The only disadvantage is that you can't use the query comprehension syntax from x..

“Treat all warnings as errors except…” in Visual Studio


by default and shouldn't show up at all. The biggest disadvantage to this approach is that a few warnings do not have numbers..

C# WCF: When is it appropriate to use the KnownType attribute?


KnownType is needed to tell it about subtypes. The disadvantage of not using it is that the following won't work DataContract..

Question about terminating a thread cleanly in .NET


to focus on sprinkling your code with anything really. The disadvantage is that you have little control over where the safe points are..

C# WinForms disable DPI scaling


automatically updates the controls as well. The clear disadvantage is that the user will have a harder time reading the text. This..

When do we need to set UseShellExecute to True?


or output of the child process among other things . The disadvantage of CreateProcess however is that none of the 4 examples I gave..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


question that this factor does offset at least part of the disadvantage of static compilation. For a few rather specific types of code..

WPF Styles/Template inheritance


to your theme that aren't present on base controls. The disadvantage is that it's an attached property and thus harder to discover...

Why is the console window closing immediately without displaying my output?


the Visual Studio environment but this has the obvious disadvantage of preventing you from using the debugging features which you..

Run one instance from the application


for other processes with the same name. The advantage disadvantage with this is that you or the user can step aside from the check..

Is it best to pass an open SqlConnection as a parameter, or call a new one in each method?


is not an unused parameter being called each time The disadvantage I see to this is If myMethod is a recursive method then when..