

c# Programming Glossary: disconnect

.NET SqlConnection class, connection pooling and reconnection logic


question is Is it inefficient to repeatedly connect and disconnect SqlConnection objects or does the underlying library perform.. transactions while this was happening The database was disconnected then reconnected I notice that there is a State property on..

WCF - have client check for service availability


to put the clients in an 'offline' state when the server disconnects dies and then automatically bring them back 'online' when the.. lets me know if it is not. Thanks Will c# .net wcf disconnect share improve this question What about this if you detect.. this question What about this if you detect a server disconnect enter a Ping mode in the ping mode you set the client's sendTimeout..

How DataReader works?


to the DB server and which should throw an exception if we disconnect the DB server I don't know What is it that I am missing here...

Elegant Log Window in WinForms C#


a custom control. But in the short run you just want to disconnect your logging from any specific piece of UI. share improve this..

I need a event to detect Internet connect/disconnect


need a event to detect Internet connect disconnect We are developing a .NET application where one of the requirements.. not. We were able to get a .NET event for ethernet cable disconnect but if the modem is reset then this event does not get triggered...

Why are C# 4 optional parameters defined on interface not enforced on implementing class?


be an implementation decision. On the other hand this disconnect means you can't always use the concrete class and the interface..

Capture screen on server desktop session


is that taking a screenshot on a desktop that I have disconnected my remote desktop session from. I get the following exception.. screen isn't locked . Nicolas Voron It true that if you disconnect from the server in this way the screen wont be locked to ensure..

Logoff interactive users in Windows from a service


Unfortunately the login time controls in Windows simply disconnect the user from server resources there is no way to force their..

Detect socket disconnect in WCF


socket disconnect in WCF We're building a WCF server .NET 4.0 . It will only.. may be closed anytime regardless on whether the client disconnects gracefully or not. c# wcf .net 4.0 net.tcp share improve..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


redirected local device or the remote network resource to disconnect from. param param name flags Connection type. The following.. connections. param param name force Specifies whether the disconnection should occur if there are open files or jobs on the connection...

What's the difference between BeginConnect and ConnectAsync?


state the same thing Begins an asynchronous request to disconnect from a remote endpoint. What's the difference between those.. which one should be used c# sockets asynchronous connect disconnect share improve this question Socket.ConnectAsync provides..

How do I work with dial-up (RAS) connections in Windows using C#/.NET?


in Windows using C# .NET I need to be able to connect disconnect and re connect a dial up networking connection in a C# .NET..

The || (or) Operator in Linq with C#


which explains how linq and c# can experience a disconnect. Since Linq expressions are expected to be reduced to something..

Programmatically disconnect network connectivity


disconnect network connectivity Is there a way to programmatically and.. Is there a way to programmatically and temporarily disconnect network connectivity in .NET 4.0 I know I can get the current..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


if we haven't it supposadly means that the client disconnected if bytesRead 0 put whatever you want to do when you receive.. run but no data close the connection supposadly means a disconnect and we still have to close the socket even though we throw the..

Looking for best practice for doing a “Net Use” in C#


the command line. I'm looking for code that can map disconnect a drive while also having exception handling. Any ideas c#..

Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts


on the service channel. He recommends adding a Connect and Disconnect method to the service contract since the callback must be provided.. It is then up to the client to ensure that it calls Disconnect when it no longer wishes to recieve callbacks from the service..

Enumerate Windows user group members on remote system using c#


same user using more than one user name are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and..

Reuse asynchronous socket: subsequent connect attempts fail


In the cleanup I Shutdown the socket and Disconnect with a reuse flag private void CleanUp lock _sync re entrant.. SocketShutdown.Both _reusableSocket.Disconnect true ChangeState EClientState.Available Subsequent calls to.. benefit from socket reuse in C# about socket reuse using Disconnect true DisconnectEx and this may help you. Personally I think..

How to Handle WCF Client Disconnect


to Handle WCF Client Disconnect How can I handle WCF Client Disconnects I Tried CallBacks but.. Handle WCF Client Disconnect How can I handle WCF Client Disconnects I Tried CallBacks but it seems to only works when Client Disconnect.. I Tried CallBacks but it seems to only works when Client Disconnect clearly by using a Disconnect button for example. I want my..

minimize app to system tray


tray and when I right click it it shows a menu like Login Disconnect Connect something like that. Also are there any methods to show..

C# How do I stop a tcpClient.Connect() process when i'm ready for the program to end? It just sits there for like 10 seconds!


private void exitButton_Click object sender EventArgs e Disconnect exitButton.Enabled false exitButton.Text Closing... if connectionThread.. object sender EventArgs e Connect private void Disconnect RequestExitConnectionThread true if masterServer null masterServer.Close.. Please wait while Program threads end. 2 private void Disconnected Status.Text Disconnected Status.ForeColor Color.Red Connect..