

c# Programming Glossary: dictionaries

Dynamic variable in C#?


variables share improve this question In C# you use dictionaries to associate values with strings. share improve this answer..

Duplicate keys in .NET dictionaries?


keys in .NET dictionaries Are there any dictionary classes in the .NET base class library..

Compare two DataTables to determine rows in one but not the other


present in the dictionary. You're exploiting the fact that dictionaries have really fast O 1 I think lookup. This step will be really..

Is the conditional operator slow?


two switch statements have the exact same cases and the dictionaries have an equal amount of characters. I was expecting that 1 and..

Composite Key Dictionary


Dicitonary keyTripletHere I sometimes create multiple dictionaries on a list to index different properties of the classes it holds...

Merging dictionaries in C#


dictionaries in C# What's the best way to merge 2 or more dictionaries Dictionary.. dictionaries in C# What's the best way to merge 2 or more dictionaries Dictionary T1 T2 in C# 3.0 features like LINQ are fine . I'm.. TKey TValue Merge TKey TValue Dictionary TKey TValue dictionaries or public static Dictionary TKey TValue Merge TKey TValue IEnumerable..

Why is Dictionary preferred over hashtable?


preferred over hashtable In most of programming languages dictionaries are preferred over hashtables. What are the reasons behind that..

Hashtable to Dictionary<> syncroot .


. Hashtables have a syncroot property but generic dictionaries don't. If I have code that does this lock hashtable.Syncroot.. if I am removing the hashtable and changing to generic dictionaries c# generics dictionary hashtable share improve this question..

How is the c#/.net 3.5 dictionary implemented?


I'm using an application which uses a number of large dictionaries up to 10^6 elements the size of which is unknown in advance.. array in the way List does in which case letting the dictionaries grow might leave a lot of large un referenced arrays on the..

WPF/C#: Where should I be saving user preferences files?


I am used too . Things got complicated as I wanted to save dictionaries and apparently they can't be serialized. Settings also seem..

Is there a built-in method to compare collections in C#?


ILists so I think what equality means is clear if the two dictionaries contain the same keys mapped to the same values then they're..

POST json dictionary


When to use struct in C#?


types added bonus info Hashed keys notwithstanding dictionaries are fast in part because instancing a struct is quicker than..

Deserialization problem with DataContractJsonSerializer


comes from the way DataContractJsonSerializer serializes dictionaries. You could use an alternative serializer such as Json.NET which..

Json.NET: Deserializing nested dictionaries


Deserializing nested dictionaries When deserializing an object to a Dictionary JsonConvert.DeserializeObject..

C# Binary Trees and Dictionaries


Binary Trees and Dictionaries I'm struggling with the concept of when to use binary search.. fact etched in the fabric of the universe. Generally Dictionaries are really just a fancy wrapper around an array of linked lists... there a point at where BST's are better than dictionaries Dictionaries have some undesirable properties There may not be enough continugous..

C# HashCode Builder


many hash code collisions resulting in poorly performing Dictionaries and HashSets. It's not likely to happen but a type aware hash..

Is there a built-in method to compare collections in C#?


a built in method to do this Edited I want to compare two Dictionaries and two ILists so I think what equality means is clear if the..

What is the best spell checking library for C#? [closed]


Office Hyphenator Hyphen is also included. All Open Office Dictionaries work well. It is free open Slocrc LGPL MPL licensed . share..

Combine two Dictionaries with linq


two Dictionaries with linq I have two dictionaries like this var d1 new Dictionary..

Serialize Class containing Dictionary member


App.Configfile.mappedDrives snip From what I've read Dictionaries and HashTables can be serialized so what am I doing wrong XmlRoot..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


Adding SortedList or Dictionary<int, string> to ResourceDictionary


cannot omit the Path because of an implementation detail . Dictionaries are not so easy because they are generic and there currently..

Tuples( or arrays ) as Dictionary keys in C#


do. At this point I am considering making a Dictionary of Dictionaries of Dictionaries but that would probably not be very pretty to.. I am considering making a Dictionary of Dictionaries of Dictionaries but that would probably not be very pretty to look at though..