

c# Programming Glossary: dialogs

What is a message pump?


thread is not STA. Notably Drag Drop the clipboard Windows dialogs like OpenFileDialog. And any ActiveX control and most COM servers..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


has more details on getting information back from custom dialogs. Update actually there's only no obvious way to close a borderless..

Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM?


MVVM I lately had the problem of creating add and edit dialogs for my wpf app. All I want to do in my code was something like.. Content Binding . ContentPresenter Window A problem with dialogs in wpf is the dialogresult true . This can only be achieved.. DataTemplate Well thats all I can now call dialogs from my viewmodels var result this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog..

System.Drawing in Windows or ASP.NET services


leaks badly implemented or called dispose patterns and or dialogs being popped when there's no desktop to show them on. Testing..

WPF MVVM Newbie - how should the ViewModel close the form?


similar but not quite the same as this one ( handling dialogs in wpf with mvvm) ... I have a Login form written using the..

C# thread safety with get/set


general behavior so I'd have to code lots of individual dialogs if I individualized the locks. c# locking properties thread..

Use of Application.DoEvents()


just like it did when you tested your code. It makes dialogs extremely annoying who doesn't hate having a dialog active and..

How to pass additional postdata into an add record function - JQGrid - MVC . NET


which implement form editing for both Edit and Add dialogs. So the same event han`ler serializeEditData can be used in..

Add “Everyone” privilege to folder using C#.NET


I did was set the permissions I wanted using the Windows dialogs and checkboxes. I added a rule for Everyone and ticked all boxes..

Creating an MVVM friendly dialog strategy


close it Display an edit form for a data item Confirmation dialogs much like a standard MessageBox Can anyone provide any code.. as you wish. In the area providing a service showing dialogs there are two different approaches floating arround Implementing.. the view e.g. see http blog.roboblob.com 2010 01 19 modal dialogs with mvvm and silverlight 4 Both approaches rely on an interface..

Best way to programmatically configure network adapters in .NET


netsh commands to set all the properties in the network dialogs. eg To set a static ipaddress on an adapter netsh interface..

Blocking dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control


dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control I have a .NET 2.0 WebBrowser control.. using one of these and successfully blocking all dialogs script errors etc EDIT This isn't a standalone instance of IE..

WPF C# InputBox


improve this question I prefer to take an approach using dialogs that doesn't lock up the application and moves away from the..