

c# Programming Glossary: dg

How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid


of overriding it Tried this modified from Neverminds link dg DataGrid.RowStyle Style TargetType x Type dg DataGridRow Style.Triggers.. link dg DataGrid.RowStyle Style TargetType x Type dg DataGridRow Style.Triggers Trigger Property IsSelected Value.. Background Value Gainsboro Trigger Style.Triggers Style dg DataGrid.RowStyle But still nothing... c# wpf xaml datagrid..

Make big and small numbers human-readable [duplicate]


sci find number of digits to the left of the decimal int dg x 0 0 int Math.Floor Math.Log x 10 1 adjust decimals to display.. to display int decimals Math.Min significant_digits dg 15 format for the decimals string fmt new string '0' decimals..

How to sort databound DataGridView column?


bs new BindingSource bs.DataSource list DataGridView dg new DataGridView DataGridViewTextBoxColumn c new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.. c.Name name c.DataPropertyName Name dg.Columns.Add c c new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn c.Name number.. c.Name number c.DataPropertyName Number dg.Columns.Add c dg.DataSource bs this.Controls.Add Control dg..

How do I dispose my filestream when implementing a file download in ASP.NET?


performs a file download in MVC using DocumentGenerator dg DocumentGenerator.OpenTemplate path some document manipulation.. with the DocumentGenerator goes here ... return File dg.GetDocumentStream text plain filename This errors as the stream.. buffer 0 count Notice the using . When you call File dg.GetDocumentStream text plain filename from your controller this..

DataGrid Cell.Style binding


Width 1200 Height 780 Top 60 Left 200 DataGrid dg new DataGrid Content dg ObservableCollection Row Source new.. 780 Top 60 Left 200 DataGrid dg new DataGrid Content dg ObservableCollection Row Source new ObservableCollection Row.. Row Source new ObservableCollection Row dg.ItemsSource Source dg.SelectionMode DataGridSelectionMode.Extended..

DataGrid get selected rows' column values


object sender DataGridCellEditEndingEventArgs e DataGrid dg sender as DataGrid Console.WriteLine dg.SelectedCells 0 .ToString.. e DataGrid dg sender as DataGrid Console.WriteLine dg.SelectedCells 0 .ToString But this does not work. If I do a.. question UPDATED To get the selected rows try IList rows dg.SelectedItems You should then be able to get to the column value..

DataGrid column width doesn't auto-update


1s Text Longer Click Button_Click Grid DataGrid x Name dg ItemsSource Binding Source StaticResource MyObjectCollection.. MyObjectCollection AutoGenerateColumns False TargetUpdated dg_TargetUpdated DataGrid.Columns DataGridTextColumn Binding.. e this.myObjectList 0 .Last BillyOBrian private void dg_TargetUpdated object sender DataTransferEventArgs e dg.Columns..