

c# Programming Glossary: differently

Performance difference for control structures 'for' and 'foreach' in C#


of method Test IterateOverList The compiler treats arrays differently converting a foreach loop basically to a for loop but not List..

Public Fields versus Automatic Properties


Properties vs. Public Variables Reflection works differently on variables vs. properties so if you rely on reflection it's..

Should I use public properties and private fields or public fields for data?


blog archives 000654.html Specifically Reflection works differently on variables vs. properties so if you rely on reflection it's..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


does leave with the task of explaining why it works so differently when you run the Debug build. That requires explaining how the..

C# webbrowser Ajax call


both WPF and WinForms versions behaves in many ways differently from the full IE. You may want to implement Feature Control..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


a constructor. It makes sense for the CLI to think of it differently as there's no real code to call and certainly no type specific..

Winforms Double Buffering


form is a calendar it changes often . What do I need to do differently c# winforms doublebuffered share improve this question ..

Is there any significant difference between using if/else and switch-case in C#?


allows to switch on string constants and this works a bit differently. It's obviously not practical to build jump tables for strings..

Is everything in .NET an object?


reference types and value types as they are treated very differently. Boxing While value types do inherit from System.Object they.. value types do inherit from System.Object they are treated differently in memory from reference types and the semantics of how they..

Calling virtual method in base class constructor


This answer applies to C# and Java. I believe C works differently on this matter. Calling a virtual method in a constructor is..

Write Array to Excel Range


worksheet so I'm not sure why reading and assignment work differently. Has anyone ever done this successfully I'm currently writing..

Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+


at a later date it will be a lot easier. Plus they show up differently in Intellisense Edit Update for OPs updated question if you..

Are floating-point numbers consistent in C#? Can they be?


Because my compiler is actually the JIT which may optimize differently every time the program is run I don't think this is possible... in .net. The JITter is allowed to create code that behaves differently on different platforms or between different versions of .net..

Why is The Iteration Variable in a C# foreach statement read-only?


Which cryptographic hash function should I choose?


RIPEMD 20 bytes 7066 ms Each of these functions performs differently MD5 being the fastest and RIPEMD being the slowest. MD5 has..

C# Finalize/Dispose pattern


to dispose. The CLR deals with finalizable objects differently to non finalizable objects even if SuppressFinalize is called... a finalizer as the GC deals with finalizable classes differently even if you later suppress the finalizer. Also note that even..

Embedding one dll inside another as an embedded resource and then calling it from my code


Does anybody have any idea as to what I need to be doing differently c# .net 3.5 dll share improve this question Once you've..