

c# Programming Glossary: diacritics

Why does string.Compare seem to handle accented characters inconsistently?


where n is the length of the search string. c# sorting diacritics string comparison share improve this question There is a..

How to make the C# Switch Statement use IgnoreCase


this. For example the Unicode standard allows text with diacritics to be encoded multiple ways. Some characters includes both the..

Ignoring accented letters in string comparison


Here's a function that strips diacritics from a string static string RemoveDiacritics string text string.. acute. It then iterates through the chars and skips the diacritics. héllo becomes he acute llo which in turn becomes hello . Debug.Assert..

How can I remove accents on a string? [duplicate]


on a string duplicate Possible Duplicate How do I remove diacritics accents from a string in .NET I have the following string áéíóú.. the new string to save Not a duplicate of How do I remove diacritics accents from a string in .NET . The accepted answer there doesn't..