

c# Programming Glossary: dict

How do I bind a Combo so the displaymember is concat of 2 fields of source datatable?


a new collection that will serve as the data source. var dict new Dictionary Guid string foreach var row in dt.Rows dict.Add.. dict new Dictionary Guid string foreach var row in dt.Rows dict.Add row GUID row Name row Surname cbo.DataSource dict cbo.DataTextField.. dict.Add row GUID row Name row Surname cbo.DataSource dict cbo.DataTextField Value cbo.DataValueField Key cbo.DataBind..

What are the true benefits of ExpandoObject?


by using ExpandoObject instead of just using an arbitrary dictionary type other than not being obvious that you're using a.. hierarchical objects. For example imagine that you have a dictionary within a dictionary Dictionary String object dict new.. For example imagine that you have a dictionary within a dictionary Dictionary String object dict new Dictionary string object..

Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#)


Account is another custom type. Would I serialize the dict as the xmlroot and then the Account type as attributes Update.. as attributes Update 2 So it's possible to serialize a dictionary. What makes it complicated is that the value for this.. What makes it complicated is that the value for this dict is a generic itself which is a list of complex data structures..

Getting key of value of a generic Dictionary?


Gamma static void ShowEntries BiDictionary int string dict string key IList int values dict key StringBuilder builder.. BiDictionary int string dict string key IList int values dict key StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder foreach int value..

Reflection - Getting the generic parameters from a System.Type instance


public class Test static void Main var dict new Dictionary string int Type type dict.GetType Console.WriteLine.. void Main var dict new Dictionary string int Type type dict.GetType Console.WriteLine Type arguments foreach Type arg in..

Merging dictionaries in C#


dictionaries in C# What's the best way to merge 2 or more dictionaries.. dictionaries in C# What's the best way to merge 2 or more dictionaries Dictionary T1 T2 in C# 3.0 features like LINQ are fine.. TKey TValue Merge TKey TValue Dictionary TKey TValue dictionaries or public static Dictionary TKey TValue Merge TKey..

Json.NET: Deserializing nested dictionaries


Deserializing nested dictionaries When deserializing an object to a Dictionary JsonConvert.DeserializeObject.. string object we want to handle the deserialization of dict value which is of type object return objectType typeof object..

What is more efficient: Dictionary TryGetValue or ContainsKey+Item?


frequently attempts to access keys that are not in the dictionary. Using this method is more efficient than catching the.. i.e. which one performs less lookups Dictionary int int dict ... int ival if dict.ContainsKey ikey ival dict ikey else ival.. less lookups Dictionary int int dict ... int ival if dict.ContainsKey ikey ival dict ikey else ival default int or Dictionary..