

c# Programming Glossary: differ

new keyword in method signature


I assume it's something introduced in C# 3.0 How does this differ from override c# methods keyword share improve this question..

Find size of object instance in bytes in c#


in bytes in c# For any arbitrary instance collections of different objects compositions single objects etc How can I determine.. human should learn the nature of the recurrences how they differ one from the other. That will give you a rational basis for..

How to use localization in C#


you will need to add the resources for those strings that differ from the resource that it would fall back to. So if a text is.. you can put it in strings.fr.resx while strings that are different in Canadian french could go into strings.fr CA.resx. share..

Should I use public properties and private fields or public fields for data?


return myInt set myInt value My question is how does this differ from public int MyInt and if we should use properties instead.. blog archives 000654.html Specifically Reflection works differently on variables vs. properties so if you rely on reflection..

.NET Configuration (app.config/web.config/settings.settings)


settings.settings I have a .NET application which has different configuration files for Debug and Release builds. E.g. the.. Server. There are also other settings some of which are different in debug release. I currently use two separate configuration.. share improve this question Any configuration that might differ across environments should stored at the machine level not the..

\d is less efficient than [0-9]


efficient than either of the other two which don't seem to differ much. Here is my test output over 10000 random strings of 1000..

LINQ, Where() vs FindAll()


explain how the LINQ functions Where .. and FindAll .. differ They both seem to do the same thing... c# linq syntax share.. classes that inherit from it of course . Additionally they differ in actual purpose. Where returns an instance of IEnumerable..

XML Serialization and Inherited Types


the assemblies that the two classes are in are likely to differ. There is of course a little type checking and stuff that needs.. .Name ' because the Type specified in the XML differs ' type.Name ' . Read the Data Deserializing based on the now..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


about where value type variables are allocated. That's a different question and one to which the answer isn't just on the stack.. which would still conform with the spec. There are two different situations with the new operator on value types you can either.. e.g. new Guid someString . These generate significantly different IL. To understand why you need to compare the C# and CLI..

Preserving order with LINQ


of each to determine how the order of the result would differ from order of the source. Preserves Order Absolutely. You can..

Getting the size of a field in bytes with C#


type. The unmanaged and managed sizes of an object can differ. For character types the size is affected by the CharSet value.. value applied to that class. And again padding can make a difference. Just to clarify what I mean about padding being relevant.. . An instance of FiveBytes takes 16 bytes. The only difference is the e variable so does that take 4 bytes Well sort of.....

What is the difference between i++ and ++i?


is the difference between i and i I've seen them both being used in numerous..

When is using the C# ref keyword ever a good idea?


pointers understanding how value types and reference types differ and handling methods with multiple return values. Also the difference.. and handling methods with multiple return values. Also the difference between out and ref parameters is not widely understood...

To underscore or to not to underscore, that is the question


is to NOT have two public protected entities that differ only by case e.g you should NOT have public void foo ... and..

When to use struct in C#?


if Entry were a class Would these times or metrics really differ that much Capacity 312874 MemSize 2660827 bytes Completed Resize.. Resize 26ms Total time to fill 964ms Obviously the big difference is in resizing. Any difference if Dictionary is initialized.. 964ms Obviously the big difference is in resizing. Any difference if Dictionary is initialized with the Capacity Not enough..

Are Java and C# regular expressions compatible?


work in the other Where do the regular expression syntaxes differ The use case here is a C# .NET UI talking to an eventual Java..

How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+?


last four bits of the first byte will be 0002 so you can differ between text and binary data. The decoding of the data works..

What's the difference between SortedList and SortedDictionary?


the difference between SortedList and SortedDictionary Maybe a silly question.. Maybe a silly question but is there any real practical difference between a SortedList and a SortedDictionary Are there any.. this question Yes their performance characteristics differ significantly. It would probably be better to call them SortedList..