

c# Programming Glossary: dgv

C# - how do I refresh DataGridView after removing rows


when a timer expires private void removeRows DataGridView dgv foreach DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows if some condition holds.. removeRows DataGridView dgv foreach DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows if some condition holds dgv.Remove row dgv.Refresh I.. DataGridViewRow row in dgv.Rows if some condition holds dgv.Remove row dgv.Refresh I know the rows are successfully deleted..

How to refresh datagridview when closing child form?


to refresh datagridview when closing child form I've a dgv on my main form there is a button that opens up another form.. to insert some data into the datasource bounded to the dgv. I want when child form closes the dgv auto refresh. I tried.. bounded to the dgv. I want when child form closes the dgv auto refresh. I tried to add this in child form closing event..

How do I overload the square-bracket operator in C#?


C# DataGridView for example lets you do this DataGridView dgv ... DataGridViewCell cell dgv 1 5 but for the life of me I can't.. you do this DataGridView dgv ... DataGridViewCell cell dgv 1 5 but for the life of me I can't find the documentation on..

How can I receive the “scroll box” type scroll events from a DataGridView?


System.Windows.Forms bool addScrollListener DataGridView dgv bool ret false Type t dgv.GetType PropertyInfo pi t.GetProperty.. addScrollListener DataGridView dgv bool ret false Type t dgv.GetType PropertyInfo pi t.GetProperty VerticalScrollBar BindingFlags.Instance.. ScrollBar s null if pi null s pi.GetValue dgv null as ScrollBar if s null s.Scroll new ScrollEventHandler..

DataGridView bound to a Dictionary


Main bList new DictionaryBindingList string decimal prices dgv.DataSource bList Then during program execution if a new entry.. Form form new Form DataGridView dgv new DataGridView dgv.Dock DockStyle.Fill form.Controls.Add dgv.. Form form new Form DataGridView dgv new DataGridView dgv.Dock DockStyle.Fill form.Controls.Add dgv var bl prices.ToBindingList..

DataGridView checkbox column - value and functionality


the code will now add a chckbox to the beginning of the DGV. What I need to know is the following 1 How do I make it so.. the checked rows when I click on a button just below the DGV Here's the code to get the column inserted DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn..

Datagridview: How to set a cell in editing mode?


but in my case it doesn't. I really want that with my DGV with several columns the user can ONLY select and also edit..

simple DataGridView refresh question


How do I implement automatic sorting of DataGridView?


a 17952576 116891 for a lot more details about DGV sorting and databinding. If you don't want to add something..

Adding rows programatically to a DataGridView that is data bound?


to insert the rows instead of directly adding them via. a DGV. But this is also not possible because I use custom headers.. is also not possible because I use custom headers in the DGV because existing data is fetched via JOIN's so if I add them.. c# datagridview share improve this question Bind your DGV to a BindingList YourObject where YourObject can be a simple..

InvalidOperationException - When ending editing a cell & moving to another cell


update the Data Grid View. I have a Method to Refresh the DGV by clearing it and then reinserting the data. Using the designer.. data. Using the designer I made an event handler for the DGV's CellEndEdit. Inside the Event Handler the data gets updated.. Inside the Event Handler the data gets updated the DGV's custom refreshing method is called. While running the program..