

c# Programming Glossary: developer

Using IQueryable with Linq


be SELECT FROM Products WHERE Cost 25 . From your POV as a developer this looks the same. However from a performance standpoint you..

C#: String.Equals vs. == [duplicate]


It's entirely likely that a large portion of the developer base comes from a Java background where using to compare strings..

TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines?


on our end user's machines. Trouble is on half of our developers machines we can run with MSDTC disabled. The other half must.. same code that works and does not escalate on half of our developer's does escalate on the other developer's. I was hoping for a.. on half of our developer's does escalate on the other developer's. I was hoping for a better answer to http stackoverflow.com..

Open source cad drawing (dwg) library in C#


profit membership based consortium of software companies developers and users committed to promoting the open exchange of CAD data.. are using the libraries for but the base level cost for a developer is U 100 year with a U 250 joining fee. Compare that to AutoDesk's..

Reading large text files with streams in C#


then navigated don't worry too much about this part. The developer who wrote the initial code is simply using a StreamReader and..

What to use: var or object name type? [duplicate]


code is certainly correct and I think it's how 90 of C# developers would probably write it List string list MyMethod Obviously.. it is intending to do IEnumerable string list MyMethod The developer who wrote that code is telling me I'm not going to be changing.. weren't using it in the first place. If you're the kind of developer who would write that line of code you already know that you..

Code Coverage for C#/.NET [closed]


parallell multi core test execution NDepend 410 for developer license NDepend can import coverage data from NCover DotCover..

Reflection to Identify Extension Methods


that the extension method was appropriately added by the developer. One reason to attempt this is that it is possible that a similar.. a similar method would be added to the actual class by the developer and if it was the compiler will pick that method up. c# reflection..

Image.Save(..) throws a GDI+ exception because the memory stream is closed


save an image with the stream closed I cannot rely on the developers to remember to close the stream after the image is saved. In.. to close the stream after the image is saved. In fact the developer would have NO IDEA that the image was generated using a memory..

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]


based on Mono.Cecil . No longer on development the main developer works with Gendarme team now. Coverity Prevent for C# commercial..

What is Linq and what does it do? [closed]


of writing YAQL yet another query language MS language developers provided a way to express queries directly in their languages.. names are made at compile time which is too late for a developer to use that name at design time. myCustomers.Select c new Name..

Facebook/ Twitter with dotnetopenauth? [closed]


Next edit the following settings Facebook sign up http developers.facebook.com setup add key facebookAppID value add key facebookAppSecret..

Protect .NET code from reverse engineering?


I took it as a personal affront. Here I was a small time developer pouring my heart and soul into an application and these people..

Licensing System for .NET [closed]


System for .NET closed I'm a currently a freeware developer. I've listed a few apps on CodePlex but have yet to have someone..

The Best Place to Start Learning C++ [closed]


Place to Start Learning C closed So I have been a .Net developer for the past decade and am thinking of learning either C or.. is one which might be more accomodating to converting a C# developer. c# c .net c share improve this question First don't rely..

How to double buffer .NET controls on a form?


and then it can be set to true . Note You should pay your developer taxes and not use double buffering if the user is running in..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


the runtime type of this expression than you do . If the developer is wrong then the runtime will throw an exception in order to.. throw an exception in order to protect type safety. If the developer wishes to break type safety or memory safety they can do so..

How can a Word document be created in C#? [closed]


XML http en.wikipedia.org wiki Office 5FOpen 5FXML OpenXML Developer http openxmldeveloper.org default.aspx Introducing the Office..

enumerating assemblies in GAC


but on my machine obviously compiler is giving error. Ex Developer insists that it is not in GAC on the server and 'it is what..

Connecting to SQL Server with Visual Studio Express Editions [closed]


and SQL Server Database File. BUT if you use Visual Web Developer 2008 Express you can connect to a regular SQL Server Oracle.. build your LINQ Data Access code with one IDE Visual Web Developer and your program in another Visual C# It's not a hard workaround.. using the Express Edition and you're not using Visual Web Developer you're probably building a desktop program. If you're building..

64 bits stuff for C# development


2008 Tortoise SVN TestDriven.Net Oracle 10g XE PL SQL Developer Dundas Chart Analysis Services from MS SQL Server 2008 I guess..

WebBrowsing in C# - Libraries, Tools etc. - Anything like Mechanize in Perl?


Costs Money Tools Firebug for Firefox Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar for IE Chrome has one too Note WatiN is close to what..

Send document to printer with C#


working my way through the terrible IE only Canon Developer site but I'm kinda hoping someone can point me in the right..

Random array using LINQ and C#


vb.net linq enumerable share improve this question The Developer Fusion VB.Net to C# converter says that the equivalent C# code..

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?


so I can write documentation possible for J. Random Web Developer to follow even if they are on shared web hosting . I therefore..

Facebook/ Twitter with dotnetopenauth? [closed]


This will start an instance of Cassini Visual Studio Developer Server and a web browser should open Voil you can now connect..

ReSharper for C++


handles C and does it in a reasonably performant manner. Developer Express also makes CodeRush which provides more features than..

How to render pdfs using C#


with .Net. I did a small project that you will find on the Developer Express forums as an attachment. Be careful of the license requirements..

SharePoint for a C# ASP.NET Developer [closed]


for a C# ASP.NET Developer closed I've been asked to create a website in SharePoint within..

Where to start with QuickBooks development?


.net quickbooks share improve this question The Intuit Developer Network IDN is the starting point for learning about QuickBooks..

Conversion tool comparisons for visual basic 6.0 [closed]


do need to contact them Artinsoft Upgrade Companion Developer Edition £199 for up to 50 000 lines of code. EDIT Now offering..

What's the best way to learn C# quickly? [closed]


My only recommendation has been to check out MSDN Beginner Developer Learning Center Scott Gu's Blog and to pick up this book C#..

Visual C# 2010 Express Full download? [closed]


Visual C 2010 Express Visual C# Express and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. This download does not include Visual Studio 2010..

How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file


what you need to read The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character..

Change pinned taskbar icon (windows 7)


. You can download the sample code from Windows 7 Taskbar Developer Resources on Microsoft Code. What you're looking for is the..