c# Programming Glossary: difference
Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125319/should-usings-be-inside-or-outside-the-namespace share improve this question There is actually a subtle difference between the two. Imagine you have the following code in File1.cs.. one in System the point here is just that there is a difference and it affects the maintainability of your code. It's also interesting..
String vs string in C# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/215255/string-vs-string-in-c-sharp vs string in C# duplicate In C# what is the difference between String and string note the case Example string s Hello.. is an alias for System.String . So technically there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32 . As far as guidelines I think..
What is the difference between a field and a property in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/295104/what-is-the-difference-between-a-field-and-a-property-in-c is the difference between a field and a property in C# In C# what makes a field..
Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR http://stackoverflow.com/questions/496096/casting-vs-using-the-as-keyword-in-the-clr type conversion. What I'd like to know is if there is a difference between these two methods of conversion public interface IMyInterface.. public Implementation _MyObj new MyClass What is the difference here _myCls1 MyClass _MyObj _myCls2 _MyObj as MyClass If there.. MyClass _MyObj _myCls2 _MyObj as MyClass If there is a difference is there a cost difference or how does this affect my program..
When to use struct in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/521298/when-to-use-struct-in-c Resize 26ms Total time to fill 964ms Obviously the big difference is in resizing. Any difference if Dictionary is initialized.. 964ms Obviously the big difference is in resizing. Any difference if Dictionary is initialized with the Capacity Not enough to..
What is the difference between Decimal, Float and Double in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/618535/what-is-the-difference-between-decimal-float-and-double-in-c is the difference between Decimal Float and Double in C# What is the difference.. between Decimal Float and Double in C# What is the difference between Decimal Float and Double in C# When would someone use..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0 I realize that it seems to be a duplicate of What is the difference between a field and a property in C# but my question has a slight.. a field and a property in C# but my question has a slight difference from my point of view Now that in C# 3.0 i can declare a property.. like creating the private field AFAIK what is the difference between the above declaration and public string myString Edit..
What's the difference between String and string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7074/whats-the-difference-between-string-and-string the difference between String and string In C# what is the difference between.. difference between String and string In C# what is the difference between String and string note the case Example string s Hello.. is an alias for System.String . So technically there is no difference. It's like int vs. System.Int32 . As far as guidelines I think..
How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1083955/how-to-get-difference-between-two-dates-in-year-month-week-day between two dates is 1 Year 2 Months 3 Weeks 4 Days. Difference represents count of year s month s week s and day s between.. Period period TODO Implement this public static Period Difference DateTime first DateTime second TODO Implement this I suggest.. you implement the operator first which should inform the Difference method you should make sure that first Period.Difference first..
C#: Difference between List<T> and Collection<T> (CA1002, Do not expose generic lists) [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1232108/c-difference-between-listt-and-collectiont-ca1002-do-not-expose-generic Difference between List T and Collection T CA1002 Do not expose generic..
How to pass values (parameters) between XAML pages? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12444816/how-to-pass-values-parameters-between-xaml-pages Page string value Use the value in the constructor... Difference between Uri and manual navigation I think the main difference..
Difference between ref and out parameters in .NET [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/135234/difference-between-ref-and-out-parameters-in-net between ref and out parameters in .NET duplicate This question..
Difference in months http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1525990/difference-in-months in months In C# .NET TimeSpan has TotalDays TotalMinutes etc... date values then you can use this public static int MonthDifference this DateTime lValue DateTime rValue return lValue.Month rValue.Month.. difference you can use this public static int MonthDifference this DateTime lValue DateTime rValue return Math.Abs lValue.Month..
Difference between Covariance & Contra-variance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2184551/difference-between-covariance-contra-variance between Covariance Contra variance I am having trouble understanding..
Difference between lock(locker) and lock(variable_which_I_am_using) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/230716/difference-between-locklocker-and-lockvariable-which-i-am-using between lock locker and lock variable_which_I_am_using I'm..
+= new EventHandler(Method) vs += Method [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749868/new-eventhandlermethod-vs-method Method vs Method duplicate Possible Duplicate C# Difference between anEvent and new EventHandler anEvent a There are two..
Difference between shadowing and overriding in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/392721/difference-between-shadowing-and-overriding-in-c between shadowing and overriding in C# What's difference between..
Difference in months between two dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4638993/difference-in-months-between-two-dates in months between two dates How to calculate the difference..
Difference between InvariantCulture and Ordinal string comparision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/492799/difference-between-invariantculture-and-ordinal-string-comparision between InvariantCulture and Ordinal string comparision When..
C#: Difference between ' += anEvent' and ' += new EventHandler(anEvent)' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/550703/c-difference-between-anevent-and-new-eventhandleranevent Difference between ' anEvent' and ' new EventHandler anEvent ' Take the..
Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications http://stackoverflow.com/questions/563549/difference-between-events-and-delegates-and-its-respective-applications between events and delegates and its respective applications..
Difference between Property and Field in C# 3.0+ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/653536/difference-between-property-and-field-in-c-sharp-3-0 between Property and Field in C# 3.0 I realize that it seems..
The purpose of delegates [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687626/the-purpose-of-delegates do I use delegates closed 9 answers Duplicate Difference between events and delegates and its respective applications..
Difference between association, aggregation and composition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885937/difference-between-association-aggregation-and-composition between association aggregation and composition What is the..
Difference Between Select and SelectMany http://stackoverflow.com/questions/958949/difference-between-select-and-selectmany Between Select and SelectMany I've been searching the difference..
Difference Between Equals and == http://stackoverflow.com/questions/971954/difference-between-equals-and Between Equals and What is the difference between a b and a.Equals..