

c# Programming Glossary: dictionary.add

c# dictionary How to add multiple values for single key?


mean I didn't create any list object and then supplied to dictionary.Add key Listname . How to create dynamically this list object in.. Listname . How to create dynamically this list object in dictionary.Add key Listname and then add strings to this list. If I have to.. keys then do I have to create 100 lists before executing dictionary.Add instruction and also do I have to pedefine the contents of this..

A faster replacement to the Dictionary<TKey, TValue>


string string dictionary new Dictionary string string dictionary.Add fieldName fieldValue dictionary.Add Title fieldVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalue.. string string dictionary.Add fieldName fieldValue dictionary.Add Title fieldVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalue Console.WriteLine stopWatch.Elapsed..

A dictionary object that uses ranges of values for keys


the program var dictionary new Dictionary Interval double dictionary.Add new Interval Min 0 Max 10 9.0 var result dictionary 1 if result..

Project Euler #15


key out r not in cache yet r f a1 a2 dictionary.Add key r return r calculate the surface of the block to the finish..

XML Serialize dynamic object


object value if dictionary.ContainsKey binder.Name dictionary.Add binder.Name value else dictionary binder.Name value return..