

c# Programming Glossary: devexpress

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?


to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid Consider the following picture I get the selected.. My Question is how will I do the same thing in DevExpress XtraGrid control c# winforms devexpress xtragrid share improve..

How should you diagnose the error SEHException - External component has thrown an exception


the object may be part of a list that is databound to a DevExpress Grid. The error was 'caught' by an unhandled exception routine.. I'd check your stack trace and if it's tied to the DevExpress grid report the problem to them. share improve this answer..

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


that has components which support this Infragistics and DevExpress both do . Spin your own derived ListBox control that overrides..

How do I raise an event via reflection in .NET/C#?


editor that basically comprises a textbox and a button the DevExpress ButtonEdit control . I want to make a particular keystroke Alt..

What are some alternatives to ReSharper? [closed]


this question The main alternative is CodeRush by DevExpress. Most consider either this or Resharper the way to go. You cannot..

Best Free Controls for .NET [closed]


TreeView with Columns Webforms Development AJAX DataGrid DevExpress Controls Suite Ajax Control Kit CKEditor previously known as..

What is the best way to create a wizard in C# 2.0?


Here are a few more resources you should check out This DevExpress WinForms control http www.devexpress.com Products NET Controls..

Looking for Fancy windows forms [closed]


into supporting the community by sponsoring podcasts. DevExpress is comparable. They have a lot of skins and I've had good experiences..

How do I fix a .Net windows app crashing at startup with Exception code: 0xe0434352?


The winforms app is built with the following references DevExpress Infragistics Winforms controls ORACLE DataAccess DLL RabbitMQ..

ClickOnce - Cannot publish because a project failed to build


and ignores any add ins you have installed. If you have DevExpress installed and are still having problems check out this article..