

c# Programming Glossary: develop

How can I programatically create, read, write an excel without having office installed?


office must be installed. Here is my situation I need to develop an app which will take an excel file as input do some calculations..

ServiceStack Request DTO design


Request DTO design I am a .Net developer used to develop web application on Microsoft Technologies... Request DTO design I am a .Net developer used to develop web application on Microsoft Technologies. I am trying to educate..

Open source cad drawing (dwg) library in C#


profit membership based consortium of software companies developers and users committed to promoting the open exchange of CAD.. formats the ODA also focuses on the practical matter of developing software libraries of exceptional quality that enable ODA.. of exceptional quality that enable ODA members to develop applications capable of reading and writing the popular DWG..

What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed]


the benchmarks . In wanting to stay true to Redis I've developed a very fast C# Redis Client with a strong focus on performance... recommended it is still 11.75x faster . @marcgravell has developed a very fast async C# Redis Client used to handle Stack Overflows.. out the API image map . A good tutorial showing how you to develop a real world applications is at http www.servicestack.net docs..

What's a good, if any, .NET Windows automation library?


one is pretty good albeit that it's not available if you develop in .NET 2.0 and it requires the WPF to be installed on the system...

When is it OK to catch an OutOfMemoryException and how to handle it?


The GC runs in an unprotected thread. Don't forget we all develop different types of applications. And unless you are on older.. apps... but then again not all of us are business tool developers. To your edit... Out of memory may be caused by unmanaged..

Fastest way to interface between live (unsaved) Excel data and C# objects


workbook to c# objects. The background is that I want to develop a c# application that is used from Excel and uses data held..

How can I create a Product Key for my C# App


ever more complex schemes for this thinking that if they develop their own system for it then it will be known only to them and..

C# Audio Library [closed]


Audio Library closed I am looking to develop an audio player in C# but was wondering what libraries are available..

High performance TCP server in C#


performance TCP server in C# I am an experienced C# developer but I have not developed a TCP server application so far... in C# I am an experienced C# developer but I have not developed a TCP server application so far. Now I have to develop a highly.. developed a TCP server application so far. Now I have to develop a highly scalable and high performance server that can handle..

The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed]


versa from the experts out there. What would you use to develop both complex and fairly trivial applications What are some of..

Get OS Version / Friendly Name in C#


a C# project. I want to collect users statistics to better develop the software. I am using the Environment.OS feature of C# but..

Is the size of a Form in Visual Studio designer limited to screen resolution?


working on I think it should somehow be possible to develop an application aimed at higher resolutions on a lower res system...

C# driver development?


driver development Before I jump headlong into C#... I've always felt that.. into C#... I've always felt that C or maybe C was best for developing drivers on Windows. I'm not keen on the idea of developing.. developing drivers on Windows. I'm not keen on the idea of developing a driver on a .NET machine. But .NET seems to be the way..

servicestack REST API and CORS


Content Type The above is all the C# code you need to develop a web service which is then automatically wired up for you on..

How to detect a process start & end using c# in windows?


i have a good working experience with c# but now i want to develop a simple may be a console app software which just detect the.. start or end on my system. honestly saying i never developed this kind of application before so i have no idea that it..

Virtual webcam input as byte stream


and takes memory stream or bytes as input. How can I develop this Can DirectShow be helpful in this I dont know anything...

Anyone have experience with architecture for cross platform WP7 Android iOS mobile development (monotouch, monodroid, C#)


architecture for cross platform WP7 Android iOS mobile development monotouch monodroid C# This question is specifically related.. experiences for cross platform WP7 iOS Android apps developed using C# Monotouch and Monodroid respectively. I have researched.. benefit so there is some overlap. I have a requirement to develop a cross platform iPhone iPad WP7 and android app for a health..

C# Finalize/Dispose pattern


you still need to implement a finalizer However if you develop a class that doesn't use any unmanaged resources directly or.. using myClass objClass new myClass Do stuff here I have developed this simple code below to demonstrate the Finalize dispose..

Why Interface Layer/Abstract classes required in our project? [closed]


library in some enterprise context. So now you need to develop access to sqlserver oracle webservice .... In all these changes..

Develop Android app using C#


Android app using C# I am pretty new to phone app development...

Proper way to use Async with VS 2010 now that VS 2012 is released?


CTP first and then install .NET 4.5 both runtime and SDK . Develop in Visual Studio but build using the standalone compiler. share..

Show position of item in a list


e Show First Item c# share improve this question Develop a way to compare the object properly. is tree type unique maybe..

How can I learn ASP.NET? [closed]


to improve your skills and to implement what you learn. Develop your own blog your own wiki or whatever you like. share improve..

Writing custom code for PowerPoint using leap motion?


need 2012 . Microsoft has an overview page for Office Development in Visual Studio . Follow the instructions on the Configuring.. . Follow the instructions on the Configuring a Computer to Develop Office Solutions page. Download the Leap SDK for Windows and..

WebBrowser document cast not valid


String strData in E Develop TestProject frmMain.cs line 265 at MyTest.frmMain.prtCardReader_DataReceived.. Object sender SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e in E Develop TestProject frmMain.cs line 355 The test machine is running..

Multiple producers, single consumer


producers single consumer I have to Develop a multithreaded application where there will be multiple thread..