c# Programming Glossary: developed
Error message 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1091853/error-message-unable-to-load-one-or-more-of-the-requested-types-retrieve-the-l LoaderExceptions property for more information.' I have developed an application using Entity Framework SQL Server 2000 Visual..
c# random string generator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1122483/c-sharp-random-string-generator random string generator I've developed a random string generator but it's not behaving quite as I'm..
How to call Java code from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/129989/how-to-call-java-code-from-c to call Java code from C# We've developed a Java application and would like to use this application from..
IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1560619/iis-wcf-service-hosting-vs-windows-service WCF service hosting vs Windows Service We developed a WCF service and we're looking to deploy it. Our clients will..
What NoSQL solutions are out there for .NET? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1777103/what-nosql-solutions-are-out-there-for-net the benchmarks . In wanting to stay true to Redis I've developed a very fast C# Redis Client with a strong focus on performance... recommended it is still 11.75x faster . @marcgravell has developed a very fast async C# Redis Client used to handle Stack Overflows..
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1991643/microsoft-jet-oledb-4-0-provider-is-not-registered-on-the-local-machine on the local machine I created a windows application developed in .NET 3.5 in a 32 bit Windows 2008 server. When deployed the..
How can you change Network settings (IP Address, DNS, WINS, Host Name) with code in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209779/how-can-you-change-network-settings-ip-address-dns-wins-host-name-with-code I would have loved to have had your code sooner. I've also developed a routine using similar techniques for changing the computer..
reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2192124/reference-assignment-is-atomic-so-why-is-interlocked-exchangeref-object-object it is probably going to completely mess up your carefully developed lock free logic. Of course Interlocked.Exchange is written to..
C# client send SOAP request (and get results)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4791794/c-sharp-client-send-soap-request-and-get-results and get results Trying to create a C# client will be developed as a Windows service that sends SOAP requests to a web service..
Interprocess communication for Windows in C# (.NET 2.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/50153/interprocess-communication-for-windows-in-c-sharp-net-2-0 .Net 1.0. I believe remoting is no longer being actively developed and you are encouraged to use WCF instead Code example Inter..
Comparison between XNA and DirectX (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/514872/comparison-between-xna-and-directx-c full HD. Several of the XBox Live Arcade games have been developed by the XNA community. As far as C# DirectX as I recall Managed..
URL Encoding using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/575440/url-encoding-using-c-sharp Encoding using C# I have an application which I've developed for a friend. It sends a POST request to the VB forum software..
How to generate and validate a software license key? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/599837/how-to-generate-and-validate-a-software-license-key key I'm currently involved in developing a product developed in C# that'll be available for downloading and installing for..
High performance TCP server in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6023264/high-performance-tcp-server-in-c-sharp in C# I am an experienced C# developer but I have not developed a TCP server application so far. Now I have to develop a highly..
How to detect a process start & end using c# in windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8455873/how-to-detect-a-process-start-end-using-c-sharp-in-windows start or end on my system. honestly saying i never developed this kind of application before so i have no idea that it can..
.Net (dotNet) wrappers for OpenCV? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/85569/net-dotnet-wrappers-for-opencv started out with opencvdotnet but it's not really actively developed any more. Further support for the feature I needed facedetection..
C# Finalize/Dispose pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/898828/c-sharp-finalize-dispose-pattern using myClass objClass new myClass Do stuff here I have developed this simple code below to demonstrate the Finalize dispose pattern..
NUnit vs Visual Studio 2008's Test Projects for Unit Testing? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/92869/nunit-vs-visual-studio-2008s-test-projects-for-unit-testing of the IDE to get new features. There are extensions being developed for NUnit like row tests etc. Visual Studio tests take a long..
WCF - Design Parameter Decision http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9553267/wcf-design-parameter-decision using WCF and the business classess will be dlls developed using C#. READING SOA WCF dissecting the system service boundaries..