

c# Programming Glossary: diagonal

Why is it important to override GetHashCode when Equals method is overridden?


is common to combine them using code like below to reduce diagonal collisions i.e. so that new Foo 3 5 has a different hash code..

How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET?


know. Once you know or think you know the monitor's diagonal size you need to find its physical aspect ratio. Again a couple.. know. Once you know or think you know what the monitor's diagonal size and physical aspect ratio are then you you can calculate..

Fixed point math in c#?


integer position math as much as possible but for smooth diagonal movement at varying speeds I'm calculating the angle between..

make efficient the copy of symmetric matrix in c#


indexes go like this k i j i N i i 1 2 j i j above the diagonal k i j j N j j 1 2 i i j below the diagonal with i 0 .. N 1 j.. j i j above the diagonal k i j j N j j 1 2 i i j below the diagonal with i 0 .. N 1 j 0 .. N 1 Example when N 5 the array indexes.. 5 5 1 2 15 and thus the indexes go from 0..14 . The i th diagonal has index k i i i N 1 i i 1 2 . So the 3rd row i 2 has diagonal..