c# Programming Glossary: deviceiocontrol
Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15051660/physical-disk-size-not-correct-ioctldiskgetdrivegeometry false CharSet CharSet.Auto public static extern int DeviceIoControl SafeFileHandle device uint controlCode IntPtr inBuffer uint.. geometrySize uint numBytesRead 0 if 0 NativeMethods.DeviceIoControl diskHandle NativeMethods.IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry IntPtr.Zero.. ref numBytesRead IntPtr.Zero Console.WriteLine DeviceIoControl failed with error 0 Marshal.GetLastWin32Error return Console.WriteLine..
C# - How to retreive the target of a Junction or Symlink with a standard user http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2240734/c-sharp-how-to-retreive-the-target-of-a-junction-or-symlink-with-a-standard-us with special parameters to get a handle to the file dir. DeviceIoControl call to the get the target. The 1st step will not work with..
What are the ways to obtain HDD serial number without WMI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/242480/what-are-the-ways-to-obtain-hdd-serial-number-without-wmi approach. Edit It seems that the only alternative is using DeviceIoControl . Can anyone point me to a full example of C# code invoking.. Can anyone point me to a full example of C# code invoking DeviceIoControl I have no experience using P Invoke . Environment C# 2.0 Windows..
Can't find PInvoke DLL - BUG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9410197/cant-find-pinvoke-dll-bug 0 NULL OPEN_EXISTING FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL NULL if 0 DeviceIoControl hDrv IOCTL_WID_GPS_ON NULL 0 NULL 0 NULL NULL RETAILMSG 1 L..
Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9835881/releasing-a-unplugged-virtual-serial-port different ways to talk to the device. Usually done through DeviceIoControl or Read WriteFile but those are very opaque API functions. In..