

c# Programming Glossary: determine

Determine a string's encoding in C#


a string's encoding in C# Is there any way to determine a string's encoding in C# Say I have a filename string but I.. utf8checker.codeplex.com Notice as already pointed out determine encoding makes sense only for byte streams. If you have a string..

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?


Application_Error Global.asax I have some basic code to determine errors in my MVC application. Currently in the project I have..

C# - How to get Program Files (x86) on Windows Vista 64 bit


@ MyInstalledApp In order to determine if a program is detected on a users machine it's not ideal but..

.NET Process Monitor


Process Monitor Is there a way to determine when the last time a specific machine last ran a process I can.. machine last ran a process I can use the following to determine if a process is running but the application cannot grab the..

Preserving order with LINQ


non IEnumerable results. I checked the remarks of each to determine how the order of the result would differ from order of the source...

Best way to copy between two Stream instances


that was captured when calling await will determine what thread the continuation will be executed on. Additionally..

When is it better to use String.Format vs string concatenation?


a small piece of code that is parsing an index value to determine a cell input into Excel. It's got me thinking... What's the..

Performance differences between debug and release builds


and inlining. Other cases is where the JIT compiler can determine that the code has no possible side effect. This optimization..

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset


of each other so just knowing the offset isn't enough to determine which timezone the time is related to. And what about UTC Well..

How can I programmatically determine if my workstation is locked?


can I programmatically determine if my workstation is locked I'm writing up some productivity.. I'm just reading at my desk etc I was wondering how I can determine in code how long the machine is locked. I'm writing this in..

Get File Icon used by Shell


FileSystemInfo struct for a real existing file how can I determine the icon s used by the shell explorer for that file I'm not..

C# DLL config file


your DLL no matter where it is referenced you'll need to determine your location for it rather than .NET figuring out an appropriate..

Conditional operator assignment with Nullable<value> types?


look at how the value is used assigned in this case to determine the type of the expression just the true false values. In this.. case you have a null and an Int32 and the type can not be determined there are real reasons it can't just assume Nullable Int32..

How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects


the correct type Person or Employee because in order to determine this you need to analyse the JSON and there is no built in way.. instance. This JObject instance can then be analysed to determine the correct type by checking existance of certain fields. Example..

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


the numeric value and the None enumerated constant to determine whether any bits in the numeric value are set. You can find..

Using C#, how does one figure out what process locked a file?


figure out what process locked a file In Windows how do I determine using C# what process locked a file Third party tools are helpful..

Determine metro app is running in Windows 8 tab or Desktop PC


metro app is running in Windows 8 tab or Desktop PC I am developing..

Determine a string's encoding in C#


a string's encoding in C# Is there any way to determine a string's..

Determine the number of lines within a text file


the number of lines within a text file Is there an easy way..

How I can deactivate ViewState without Control problems


state. More to read How to optimize class for viewstate Determine size of ASP.NET page's viewstate before serving page Limiting..

Maximum capacity collection in c#


currently empty. _headIdx _tailIdx 0 _buff 0 item return Determine the index to write to. if _headIdx _buff.Length Wrap around...

LINQ : Determine if two sequences contains exactly the same elements


Determine if two sequences contains exactly the same elements I need..

.NET: Determine the type of ?œthis??class in its static method


Determine the type of œthis class in its static method In a non static..

Determine Assembly Version during a Post Build Event?


Assembly Version during a Post Build Event Let's say I wanted..

Determine number of pages in a PDF file


number of pages in a PDF file I need to determine the number..

Is it possible to transfer authentication from Webbrowser to WebRequest


GetUriCookieContainer Uri uri CookieContainer cookies null Determine the size of the cookie int datasize 8192 16 StringBuilder cookieData..

Determine if a sequence contains all elements of another sequence using Linq


if a sequence contains all elements of another sequence using..

Colour Individual Items in a winforms ComboBox?


text string text ComboBox sender .Items e.Index .ToString Determine the forecolor based on whether or not the item is selected Brush..

Determine what control the ContextMenuStrip was used on


what control the ContextMenuStrip was used on I have a ContextMenuStrip..

How do I have Open XML spreadsheet “uncollapse” cells in a spreadsheet?


must be in sequential order according to CellReference. Determine where to insert the new cell. Sequencial order can't be string..

How do I create a HashCode in .net (c#) for a string that is safe to store in a database?


something like this public int HashString string text TODO Determine nullity policy. unchecked int hash 23 foreach char c in text..

Reading from the serial port in C#


b recievedData.Enqueue b processData void processData Determine if we have a packet in the queue if recievedData.Count 50 var..

Determine list of event handlers bound to event


list of event handlers bound to event I have a WinForms form..

Capturing webpage as image in c#, ensuring javascript rendered elements are visible


root2 mshtml.IHTMLElement2 docs3.documentElement Determine dimensions for the image we could add minWidth here to ensure..

Determine OS using Environment.OSVersion


OS using Environment.OSVersion What is the best to determine..

Is an Application Associated With a Given Extension?


var extensionHasAssociatedApplication false var condition Determine if there is an application installed that is associated with..