

c# Programming Glossary: diagnostic

Test to see if an image exists in C#


to see if an image exists in C# I am writing a diagnostic page for SiteScope and one area we need to test is if the connection..

Tips / techniques for high-performance C# server sockets


resources would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has any diagnostic or debugging tips for figuring out exactly what is going wrong..

How to determine whether a DLL is a managed assembly or native (prevent loading a native dll)?


to contain an assembly manifest. I basically create a diagnostic report if plugin loading fails so I'm trying to avoid having..

Why is cross thread operation exception not thrown while running exe in bin\Debug


had no real hope of discovering the problem without a diagnostic. Microsoft cares a lot about backward compat even if it is buggy..

Debugging a C# executable that crashes on launch


that doesn't help it is generally a good practice to have diagnostic logging in place. You can use a dedicated logging library e.g...

Process.Start Permissions Problem


this question I wonder whether it's trying to write a diagnostic log to the current working directory which you may not have..

Deploy C# ActiveX in a CAB for Internet Explorer use


Internet Explorer 6 actually provides a really useful diagnostic aid. Clear your Temporary Internet Files then navigate to the..

How do you hide an encryption key in a .NET application?


information would be readily available to anyone running a diagnostic tool on the machine. Encoding it in the application is an option..

Get WebClient errors as string


WebClient errors as string I have a diagnostic tool which tests a web service. I want the tool to report when..

Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port


happen ultimately leads to class that provides no good diagnostic anymore even with a good driver. So practical approaches are..

CallbackOnCollectedDelegate in globalKeyboardHook was detected


built in MDA detects the problem and generates the helpful diagnostic before the program crashes with an AccessViolation. You will..