android Programming Glossary: dstheight
android gridview crashes on Galaxy 3 gridview GridView findViewById gridview.setAdapter new ImageAdapter context int dstWidth 1.4 int dstHeight 1.4 gridview.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v int position..
Resize image after capture it from native camera but before save it to SD card
Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK the image and then enlarging it again. This can be done with Bitmap.createScaledBitmap Bitmap src int dstWidth int dstHeight boolean filter . Make sure and set the filter parameter to true. It'll run in native code so it might be faster. share..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? of is public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap Bitmap src int dstWidth int dstHeight boolean filter However the documentation doesn't explain any of the parameters. All of them are pretty obvious except for..
Does “Bitmap.createScaledBitmap” convert an 32 bit image into 24 bit? in the source for the Bitmap class Link public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap Bitmap src int dstWidth int dstHeight boolean filter Matrix m synchronized Bitmap.class small pool of just 1 matrix m sScaleMatrix sScaleMatrix null if m null.. Matrix final int width src.getWidth final int height src.getHeight final float sx dstWidth float width final float sy dstHeight float height m.setScale sx sy Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap src 0 0 width height m filter synchronized Bitmap.class do we..