android Programming Glossary: draws
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays..
Google map API v2 - get driving directions 7.663096499999940000 .width 5 .color Color.RED But this draws a straight line between the two points . Is there any other..
Android Drag/Animation of Views you extend View Then you have complete control over how it draws because you can override the OnDraw method. Just make the ColorBall..
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? This saves off the matrix that the canvas applies to draws so it can be restored later. now we change the matrix..
Focusable EditText inside ListView needs to be that the ListView takes focus first and draws selectors. Then in the OnItemSelectedListener since I know which..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? used by Camera on Android I have a simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView set it to be just stroke and set stroke width it acctually draws what it is supposed to draw. Now I looked for solution but nothing..
Convert a Bitmap to GrayScale in Android a color bitmap bmp creates a duplicate bitmap bm and then draws the color bitmap into bm using the filter to turn it into grayscale...
How to draw a line in android example android share improve this question this one draws 2 lines which form a cross on the top left of the screen
Show popup above map marker in MapView Another way to do that may be to create an Overlay that draws the LinearLayout in onDraw and gives the layout touch events...
Using awt with android awt with android I have a Java Swing application which draws diagrams. It uses Graphics2D calls and awt objects such as Rectangle..
Face Detection in Android? face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles which works in Android 2.2. OpenCV in Android You'd..
myLocationOverlay change the marker however you like. Bear in mind that this method not only draws the marker but if the user's position moves near the edge of..
Android XML rounded clipped corners what your doing you could create a Shape subclass that draws a bitmap but that's not included in Android out of the box unfortunately...
Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android frequencies that exist within it. I found an example that draws the graphic portion of a graphic equalizer. In this example..
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? make a simple game. I found and put to use a template that draws a canvas with bitmaps like this private void doDraw Canvas canvas..
Android canvas draw rectangle 10 c.drawRect 100 100 200 200 myPaint It draws rectangle and fill it with black color but I want just frame..
How can you tell when a layout has been drawn? when a layout has been drawn I have a custom view that draws a scrollable bitmap to the screen. In order to initialize it..
How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again? putting windowActionBar false in the theme the Activity draws its normal Window Title instead of an ActionBar. If we try to..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? layer this causes our LocationSource to be automatically activated. While enabled the my location layer continuously draws an indication of a user's current location and bearing and displays UI controls that allow a user to interact with their..
Google map API v2 - get driving directions 77.623788300000000000 new LatLng 12.842056800000000000 7.663096499999940000 .width 5 .color Color.RED But this draws a straight line between the two points . Is there any other method way to get the driving directions between these two points...
Android Drag/Animation of Views there. android share improve this question Why can't you extend View Then you have complete control over how it draws because you can override the OnDraw method. Just make the ColorBall class extend View. Change its position when you move..
How can you display upside down text with a textview in Android? super context attrs @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas This saves off the matrix that the canvas applies to draws so it can be restored later. now we change the matrix We need to rotate around the center of our text Otherwise..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the ListView itself not a child has focus so the default behavior needs to be that the ListView takes focus first and draws selectors. Then in the OnItemSelectedListener since I know which header view I want to override the selector would take..
How to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android? to draw an overlay on a SurfaceView used by Camera on Android I have a simple program that draws the preview of the Camera into a SurfaceView . What I'm trying to do is using the onPreviewFrame method which is invoked..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView FILL_AND_STROKE nothing shows up on the screen but when I set it to be just stroke and set stroke width it acctually draws what it is supposed to draw. Now I looked for solution but nothing comes up. Can you tell me if I something missed to set..
Convert a Bitmap to GrayScale in Android that exactly what the code you're linking to does It takes a color bitmap bmp creates a duplicate bitmap bm and then draws the color bitmap into bm using the filter to turn it into grayscale. From that point on you can use bm as an actual grayscale..
How to draw a line in android anybody tell how to draw a line in Android perhaps with an example android share improve this question this one draws 2 lines which form a cross on the top left of the screen import android.content.Context import
Show popup above map marker in MapView and show it when needed. But how to make it move with the map Another way to do that may be to create an Overlay that draws the LinearLayout in onDraw and gives the layout touch events. Is this possible android google maps share improve this..
Using awt with android awt with android I have a Java Swing application which draws diagrams. It uses Graphics2D calls and awt objects such as Rectangle etc. At some point I might want to port this to Android...
Face Detection in Android? and angles in BMPs. But it's not very fast. Here's a realtime face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles which works in Android 2.2. OpenCV in Android You'd better try this on Linux I've tried it on Windows but failed..
myLocationOverlay change the marker . Step #2 Override drawMyLocation and draw the marker however you like. Bear in mind that this method not only draws the marker but if the user's position moves near the edge of the screen and we've been given a MapController in our constructor..
Android XML rounded clipped corners
Capturing Sound for Analysis and Visualizing Frequencies in Android program which captures an audio sound and then displays the frequencies that exist within it. I found an example that draws the graphic portion of a graphic equalizer. In this example it is used an object of type AudioRecord to capture audio sound...
Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView? of a canvas bitmaps living in a surfaceView I try to make a simple game. I found and put to use a template that draws a canvas with bitmaps like this private void doDraw Canvas canvas for int i 0 i 8 i for int j 0 j 9 j for int k 0 k 7 k..
Android canvas draw rectangle myPaint new Paint myPaint.setColor Color.rgb 0 0 0 myPaint.setStrokeWidth 10 c.drawRect 100 100 200 200 myPaint It draws rectangle and fill it with black color but I want just frame around like this image android android canvas share improve..
How can you tell when a layout has been drawn? can you tell when a layout has been drawn I have a custom view that draws a scrollable bitmap to the screen. In order to initialize it i need to pass in the size in pixels of the parent layout object...
How to hide action bar before activity is created, and then show it again? to be displayed. But now there is another problem. After putting windowActionBar false in the theme the Activity draws its normal Window Title instead of an ActionBar. If we try to avoid this by using some of the .NoTitleBar stock themes or..