android Programming Glossary: dt
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] i total_Accel i data i vel i init_vel i total_Accel i dt init_vel i vel i ....rinse and repeate to get distance not using..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty.. s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded.. what I need to pass to the web service as described above. dt anyType DocumentElement anyType questions anyType CompanyID..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values new Date .getTime To edit and save preferences Date dt getSomeDate prefs.edit .putLong dateTimeKey dt.getTime .commit.. Date dt getSomeDate prefs.edit .putLong dateTimeKey dt.getTime .commit The android sdk's sample directory contains..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int.. Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds.. Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int.. Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds.. Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis.. endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame.. dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame dt RenderGame..
Android Java - Joda Date is slow The following code hangs for about 15 seconds. DateTime dt new DateTime Originally posted this post Android Java Joda Date..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition run loccounter x loccounter if runtest true loccounter 8 dt 200 runtest false stoplistening serviceHandler.postDelayed..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? HttpGet httpget new HttpGet https portal dt HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httpget HttpEntity.. amserver UI Login org self_registered_users goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new.. self_registered_users goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag or may not have fixed size elements ex img has a fixed width of 640 . In other words I don't want to force the content to.. iOS docs on viewports it seems simple since I know the width of my content 640 I just set the viewport width to 640 and.. know the width of my content 640 I just set the viewport width to 640 and let the webview decide if it needs to scale the..
Why am I getting an InvocationTargetException? Android 2D game is my code for the main stuff public void gameLoop float dt Player Gravity if canExecuteMovement 0 6 guy.moveY 6 Player.. new Rect projectedX projectedY projectedX guy.getWidth projectedY guy.getHeight Log.i DD guy projectedBounds.toString.. guy is this public Rect getBounds return new Rect x y x width y height java android cocos2d android invocationtargetexception..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] new double 3 for int i 0 i event.lenght i data i double event i total_Accel i data i vel i init_vel i total_Accel i dt init_vel i vel i ....rinse and repeate to get distance not using the accel data of course I realize you understand this..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android Void doInBackground Void... params SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get.. following. wsdl types s element name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema processContents.. operation wsdl portType The following structure of data is what I need to pass to the web service as described above. dt anyType DocumentElement anyType questions anyType CompanyID 1 Question what is android Answer OS questions anyType CompanyID..
How to use SharedPreferences in Android to store, fetch and edit values a default value using new Date long l prefs.getLong dateTimeKey new Date .getTime To edit and save preferences Date dt getSomeDate prefs.edit .putLong dateTimeKey dt.getTime .commit The android sdk's sample directory contains an example of.. dateTimeKey new Date .getTime To edit and save preferences Date dt getSomeDate prefs.edit .putLong dateTimeKey dt.getTime .commit The android sdk's sample directory contains an example of retrieving and storing shared preferences. Its..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs int numTypeId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds.. int numTypeId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds ArrayList String callList.. android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds ArrayList String callList new ArrayList String..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database int numTypeId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds.. int numTypeId cursor .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat.. .getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE Date dt new Date int hours dt.getHours int minutes dt.getMinutes int seconds dt.getSeconds String currTime hours minutes seconds SimpleDateFormat dateFormat new SimpleDateFormat..
How to limit framerate when using Android's GLSurfaceView.RENDERMODE_CONTINUOUSLY? System.currentTimeMillis then in the render loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame dt RenderGame gl This way you.. then in the render loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame dt RenderGame gl This way you will take into account.. loop public void onDrawFrame GL10 gl endTime System.currentTimeMillis dt endTime startTime if dt 33 Thread.Sleep 33 dt startTime System.currentTimeMillis UpdateGame dt RenderGame gl This way you will take into account the time it takes to..
Android Java - Joda Date is slow Java Joda Date is slow Using Joda 1.6.2 with Android The following code hangs for about 15 seconds. DateTime dt new DateTime Originally posted this post Android Java Joda Date is slow in Eclipse Emulator Just tried it again and its..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition timer 1000L class timer implements Runnable public void run loccounter x loccounter if runtest true loccounter 8 dt 200 runtest false stoplistening serviceHandler.postDelayed this 1000L I start the timer right before requesting location..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? Exception DefaultHttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet httpget new HttpGet https portal dt HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httpget HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get.. HttpPost httpost new HttpPost https amserver UI Login org self_registered_users goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1.. new HttpPost https amserver UI Login org self_registered_users goto portal dt gotoOnFail portal dt error true List NameValuePair nvps new ArrayList NameValuePair nvps.add new BasicNameValuePair IDToken1 username nvps.add..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag a HTML page to fit into a web view. Constraints The HTML may or may not have fixed size elements ex img has a fixed width of 640 . In other words I don't want to force the content to be fluid and use 's. I do not know the size of the webview.. scale up to fit . After reading the android docs and the iOS docs on viewports it seems simple since I know the width of my content 640 I just set the viewport width to 640 and let the webview decide if it needs to scale the content up or.. docs and the iOS docs on viewports it seems simple since I know the width of my content 640 I just set the viewport width to 640 and let the webview decide if it needs to scale the content up or down to fit the webview. If I put the following..
Why am I getting an InvocationTargetException? Android 2D game a 2D game in Android with Cocos2D written in Java. Here is my code for the main stuff public void gameLoop float dt Player Gravity if canExecuteMovement 0 6 guy.moveY 6 Player Movement if direction 1 if canExecuteMovement 3 0 guy.moveX.. yChange Log.i DD guy guy.getBounds .toString Rect projectedBounds new Rect projectedX projectedY projectedX guy.getWidth projectedY guy.getHeight Log.i DD guy projectedBounds.toString for int i 0 i platformCount i if Rect.intersects projectedBounds.. 63 300 111 What could be the problem the getBounds class in guy is this public Rect getBounds return new Rect x y x width y height java android cocos2d android invocationtargetexception share improve this question InvocationTargetException..