android Programming Glossary: drawerlayout
Getting DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar I have a sliding drawer menu in.. has not yet updated to the new UI standards Fork DrawerLayout and modify it to suit Roll your own navigation drawer from scratch..
Set drag margin for Android Navigation Drawer this question Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field.. Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger.. a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets to have an extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if.. extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout.. to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) Double Drawer Left and Right Drawers simultaneously I have.. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 xmlns android http apk res android android.. 0dp android background #111 You can clearly see here left_drawer and right_drawer and their..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening I have followed the tutorial.. share improve this question I researched the code of DrawerLayout and found the next issue When we touch the edge of screen there.. get it . So only one way I found copy the source code of DrawerLayout to my project and make this small change copy case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE..
Getting DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar DrawerLayout to Slide over the ActionBar I have a sliding drawer menu in an activity which has an actionbar with some tabs on it. I'd.. See if an existing third party drawer implementation has not yet updated to the new UI standards Fork DrawerLayout and modify it to suit Roll your own navigation drawer from scratch I understand that I might be breaking some conventions..
Set drag margin for Android Navigation Drawer code. Any ideas android navigation drawer share improve this question Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger.. android navigation drawer share improve this question Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger mRightDragger.. drawer share improve this question Here I've found a solution via reflections DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById Field mDragger mDrawerLayout.getClass .getDeclaredField mLeftDragger mRightDragger for right..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets element in the layout it will return null. So there is not need to have an extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main.. layout it will return null. So there is not need to have an extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when.. return null. So there is not need to have an extra boolean to see which layout is using. DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout DrawerLayout findViewById if mDrawerLayout null Set a custom shadow that overlays the main content when the drawer..
DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously) Double Drawer Left and Right Drawers simultaneously I have an application in which i want to implement a double drawer.. drawer is for result filtering. So the layout is like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id drawer_layout android layout_width match_parent android.. divider @android color transparent android dividerHeight 0dp android background #111 You can clearly see here left_drawer and right_drawer and their respective gravity start and end And this actually works..
Why does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening? does DrawerLayout sometimes glitch upon opening I have followed the tutorial Navigation Drawer and everything works like a charm except for.. appreciated. java android android layout navigation drawer share improve this question I researched the code of DrawerLayout and found the next issue When we touch the edge of screen there appears small 20 density px part of the drawer it makes.. delayed event because it has private modifier and I can't get it . So only one way I found copy the source code of DrawerLayout to my project and make this small change copy case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE If we cross the touch slop don't perform the..