android Programming Glossary: droidgap
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) Groups tries to bind a service developed in Java to the DroidGap activity so the service is NOT written in JS. You can have some.. your JS code inside your child activity derived from the DroidGap activity. For example have a background thread in your activity..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? referenced from method org.apache.cordova.DroidGap.init 07 08 19 51 22.462 W dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to resolve.. preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap 664 DroidGap.onCreate 07 08 19 51 22.552 I dalvikvm 664 Could.. exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap 664 DroidGap.onCreate 07 08 19 51 22.552 I dalvikvm 664 Could not find method..
Communication between Android Java and Phonegap Javascript? use public class MyClass private WebView mAppView private DroidGap mGap public MyClass DroidGap gap WebView view mAppView view.. WebView mAppView private DroidGap mGap public MyClass DroidGap gap WebView view mAppView view mGap gap public String getTelephoneNumber.. interface for this class public class Main extends DroidGap private MyClass mc @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app x 320 Then in your main Java class the one that extends DroidGap you'll need to add one line and modify another. First add super.setIntegerProperty..
Creating an Android Service with Phonegap? (Have phonegap app run even when closed) if it is visible or not. The code you linked from Google Groups tries to bind a service developed in Java to the DroidGap activity so the service is NOT written in JS. You can have some background activity within your JS code inside your child.. written in JS. You can have some background activity within your JS code inside your child activity derived from the DroidGap activity. For example have a background thread in your activity have a JS callback function and let the thread call this..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? Could not find method org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView.setOverScrollMode referenced from method org.apache.cordova.DroidGap.init 07 08 19 51 22.462 W dalvikvm 664 VFY unable to resolve virtual method 12024 Lorg apache cordova CordovaWebView .setOverScrollMode.. on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap 664 DroidGap.onCreate 07 08 19 51 22.552 I dalvikvm 664 Could not find method android.webkit.WebView. init referenced from.. false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D CordovaLog 664 Found preference for exit on suspend false 07 08 19 51 22.502 D DroidGap 664 DroidGap.onCreate 07 08 19 51 22.552 I dalvikvm 664 Could not find method android.webkit.WebView. init referenced from method org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView...
Communication between Android Java and Phonegap Javascript? made it work. Create a class with methods you want to use public class MyClass private WebView mAppView private DroidGap mGap public MyClass DroidGap gap WebView view mAppView view mGap gap public String getTelephoneNumber TelephonyManager tm.. class with methods you want to use public class MyClass private WebView mAppView private DroidGap mGap public MyClass DroidGap gap WebView view mAppView view mGap gap public String getTelephoneNumber TelephonyManager tm TelephonyManager mGap.getSystemService.. return number In your main activity add a Javascript interface for this class public class Main extends DroidGap private MyClass mc @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.init..
phonegap - splash screen for Android app x 480 medium mdpi at least 470 x 320 small ldpi at least 426 x 320 Then in your main Java class the one that extends DroidGap you'll need to add one line and modify another. First add super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash this line..