android Programming Glossary: drm
How secure are SQLite and SharedPreferences files on Android?
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? 100 percent security for client code effectively amount to DRM and can make your client code fragile in the face of network..
Questions about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store that allows them to collect analytics data and enforce DRM. The app will be repackaged after that. You should use the same..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? code that Sony had added some code portions into it in the DRM packages. Let's assume we're not that powerful to talk to Google.. all related questions here on SO I have talked to one DRM provider which is really hard to get in touch with as a small.. information technical docs and details . I looked into DRM as one approach but security by obscurity does not seem to be..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream stream to Androids media player. It seems like Android DRM is delaying caching in this case. Still not quite clear why.. solution. Turned out the source of my problem is Android DRM No I am not playing a protected file. Its standard mp3 . DRM.. No I am not playing a protected file. Its standard mp3 . DRM seems to have been introduced in Android 3.1 I was testing on..
How secure are SQLite and SharedPreferences files on Android?
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? to keep the code on your servers alone. Attempts to near 100 percent security for client code effectively amount to DRM and can make your client code fragile in the face of network outages and just generally frustrate legitimate users. The..
Questions about preparing an apk for the Amazon Android App Store Amazon wraps your binary with code specific to their appstore that allows them to collect analytics data and enforce DRM. The app will be repackaged after that. You should use the same package name. The Amazon distribution agreement currently..
How to protect media content (video, audio) on Android from being saved/redistributed? 'regular developer' because I had seen in the Android core code that Sony had added some code portions into it in the DRM packages. Let's assume we're not that powerful to talk to Google to include such in their core code. Are there any real.. this topic quite a bit googled a lot went through hopefully all related questions here on SO I have talked to one DRM provider which is really hard to get in touch with as a small company or freelance developer or at least to get some real.. or freelance developer or at least to get some real relevant information technical docs and details . I looked into DRM as one approach but security by obscurity does not seem to be a very good way. Besides I haven't found any information or..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream am using a local self built mini HTTP server to connect my byte stream to Androids media player. It seems like Android DRM is delaying caching in this case. Still not quite clear why and why not if I connect to my IIS that hosts a file . Also.. improve this question Ok meanwhile I got closer to the solution. Turned out the source of my problem is Android DRM No I am not playing a protected file. Its standard mp3 . DRM seems to have been introduced in Android 3.1 I was testing.. solution. Turned out the source of my problem is Android DRM No I am not playing a protected file. Its standard mp3 . DRM seems to have been introduced in Android 3.1 I was testing on a Galaxy Tab 10.1 . It works fine on the Emulator maybe DRM..