android Programming Glossary: dream
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamManagerService 485 Leaving dreamland. 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamController 485 Stopping dream.. 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamController 485 Stopping dream name ComponentInfo 16 13 50 53.586 I PowerManagerService 485 Waking up from dream... 12 16 13 50 53.616 I ActivityManager 485 No longer want
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch has for me on this method. I find that it works like a dream in my own app as long as the device is flat face up vertical..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone.. String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone vfpioneer.. vodafone vfpioneer sapphire devices.add tmobile kila dream devices.add verizon voles sholes devices.add google_ion google_ion..
Android user interface guidelines Design for both horizontal and vertical screen. On the HTC dream the keyboard force you to change the layout very often. Avoid..
What are requirements to use CouchDB on Android? requirement I'd recommend it. Development was an absolute dream. This is the best tutorial I found on setting it up http
C2DM / Phonegap plugin? google io session overview android app engine a developers dream combination So these are the steps you should perform Add the..
Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds DreamManagerService 485 Dream finished android.os.Binder@415bbf38 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamManagerService 485 Leaving dreamland. 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamController 485 Stopping dream name ComponentInfo 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamManagerService 485 Leaving dreamland. 12 16 13 50 53.576 I DreamController 485 Stopping dream name ComponentInfo isTest false userId 0 12 16 13 50 53.586.. isTest false userId 0 12 16 13 50 53.586 I PowerManagerService 485 Waking up from dream... 12 16 13 50 53.616 I ActivityManager 485 No longer want pid 13171 empty #17 12 16 13 50..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch . I'd be very interested in any feedback that anyone has for me on this method. I find that it works like a dream in my own app as long as the device is flat face up vertical or somewhere in between. However as I mention in the
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent list of known devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone vfpioneer sapphire devices.add tmobile kila dream devices.add.. devices that have the bug ArrayList String devices new ArrayList String devices.add android devphone1 dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone vfpioneer sapphire devices.add tmobile kila dream devices.add verizon.. dream_devphone dream devices.add generic sdk generic devices.add vodafone vfpioneer sapphire devices.add tmobile kila dream devices.add verizon voles sholes devices.add google_ion google_ion sapphire return devices.contains android.os.Build.BRAND..
Android user interface guidelines mad while ordinary people will just feel more comfortable. Design for both horizontal and vertical screen. On the HTC dream the keyboard force you to change the layout very often. Avoid creating 1000 activities. It seems a programming rule but..
What are requirements to use CouchDB on Android? from the link below weighs in at 10 Mb. If size isn't a requirement I'd recommend it. Development was an absolute dream. This is the best tutorial I found on setting it up http wiki display couchbase Android share improve..
C2DM / Phonegap plugin? ™s Dream Combination see http 2011 05 google io session overview android app engine a developers dream combination So these are the steps you should perform Add the 3 classes to your project Create a class called..