android Programming Glossary: dump
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits I'm looking for the full list of.. it's benefits I'm looking for the full list of ADB shell dumpsys commands with full explanation of all commands. Where can.. android shell adb share improve this question What's dumpsys and what are its benefit dumpsys is an android tool that..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G the response . How could I debug HttpClient or ask it to dump everything Does someone have a clue on what's going on android..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package it be parsed programmatically as opposed to using the aapt dump tool in the SDK This binary format is not discussed in the in..
Android memory allocation From Eclipse you can generate a heap dump when you are on Android 1.6 or up and you can analyze the dump.. when you are on Android 1.6 or up and you can analyze the dump with Eclipse MAT. Generally you can't control the max heap size.. There should be an article at on dumping the heap on 1.6 but I'm unable to find it. Edit Also I have..
View the Task's activity stack question From the command line you can use adb shell dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of.. dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The first part of that is the complete..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] IIRC this works with Eclipse. If you decide someday to dump Eclipse just having your JAR in libs is enough the command line..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how.. the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to.. heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some..
Memory leak in WebView is not being cleared from memory. I check via hprof dump . The activity is entirely cleared though if I remove the WebView.. of my activity but that doesn't help much. In my hprof dump my activity named 'Browser' has the following remaining GC roots..
How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device? improve this question use logcat f filename in order to dump it to a file in the filesystem. Make sure the filename you're..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android and watching it not work. I then made a quick app to dump all APN entries to the screen. That yielded one result and it..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and.. want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will be opened assuming MAT is installed...
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? It works OK but when i analyze data dump calculating speed like V V0 AT where V0 0 at first then speed..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? to see all of the subcommands of dumpsys do dumpsys grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE.. of dumpsys do dumpsys grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility DUMP.. grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility DUMP OF SERVICE account DUMP OF SERVICE..
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android ' s' Codec s pFormatCtx filename pFormatCtx iformat name Dump information about file onto standard error LOGI dump_format..
Dynamically Generating Dalvik Bytecode into a running Dalvik/Android application JVM and exercise all runtime code generation there. Dump the .class files from memory to files and then run dx on those..
How to find Memory Leak Class/Activity in Android need to install the MAT plugin . After a restart click on Dump HPROF file After some time about 30 seconds. You'll get a dialog..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android pFormatCtx 0 return 3 Couldn't find stream information Dump information about file onto standard error dump_format pFormatCtx..
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here.....
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview event ImageView view ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here.....
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will..
getting the position of an image after drag in android event ImageView view ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here.....
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] zooming public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here.....
rotation and scaling using multi touch in android rawEvent ... ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here..... View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here.....
Out of Memory Error in android due to Heap Size Increasing has leaked but not so much that it crashes. Now click the Dump HPROF File icon in the devices tab. After a brief delay you'll..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits I'm looking for the full list of ADB shell dumpsys commands with full explanation of all commands... Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits I'm looking for the full list of ADB shell dumpsys commands with full explanation of all commands. Where can I find this information android shell adb share improve.. of all commands. Where can I find this information android shell adb share improve this question What's dumpsys and what are its benefit dumpsys is an android tool that runs on the device and dumps interesting information about the..
HttpClient on Android : NoHttpResponseException through UMTS/3G it reaches the same servlet with success the page receives the response . How could I debug HttpClient or ask it to dump everything Does someone have a clue on what's going on android http share improve this question I ran into this issue..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package be in a binary XML format. What is this format and how can it be parsed programmatically as opposed to using the aapt dump tool in the SDK This binary format is not discussed in the in the documentation here . Note I want to access this information..
Android memory allocation http reference android graphics BitmapFactory.Options.html From Eclipse you can generate a heap dump when you are on Android 1.6 or up and you can analyze the dump with Eclipse MAT. Generally you can't control the max heap.. From Eclipse you can generate a heap dump when you are on Android 1.6 or up and you can analyze the dump with Eclipse MAT. Generally you can't control the max heap size on a real device unless you are working with custom hardware.. device unless you are working with custom hardware or firmware. There should be an article at on dumping the heap on 1.6 but I'm unable to find it. Edit Also I have to mention that you can request more memory for applications..
View the Task's activity stack Activity stack straight forward. android share improve this question From the command line you can use adb shell dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The first part of that is the complete.. this question From the command line you can use adb shell dumpsys activity This asks the activity manager to print a dump of its current state. The first part of that is the complete activity history organized by task. There is also a lot of..
Importing external .jar file to Android project [duplicate] Add JAR should allow you to pick the one out of your project. IIRC this works with Eclipse. If you decide someday to dump Eclipse just having your JAR in libs is enough the command line build tools will pick it up automatically. UPDATE If you..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? my application. I downloaded and installed eclipse memory analyzer and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling.. and installed eclipse memory analyzer and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any.. analyzer and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software I did some googling but i couldn't find any useful information thanks ..
Memory leak in WebView visible. Now when I finish the activity I find that my activity is not being cleared from memory. I check via hprof dump . The activity is entirely cleared though if I remove the WebView from the xml layout. I already tried a webView.destroy.. I already tried a webView.destroy webView null in onDestroy of my activity but that doesn't help much. In my hprof dump my activity named 'Browser' has the following remaining GC roots after having called destroy on it
How to redirect my log output from logcat to the SD-Card on an android device? also but it is not working either. android logging share improve this question use logcat f filename in order to dump it to a file in the filesystem. Make sure the filename you're using is in the sdcard i.e. starts with sdcard ... . Also..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android does not use APN settings. I tested this by downloading APNDroid and watching it not work. I then made a quick app to dump all APN entries to the screen. That yielded one result and it was for mms. Looking at the phone info when JuiceDefender..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? improve this question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will be opened assuming MAT is installed. Choose.. in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will be opened assuming MAT is installed. Choose Leak Suspects Report in the wizard window and..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME It works OK but when i analyze data dump calculating speed like V V0 AT where V0 0 at first then speed of interval before this A acceleration SQRT x x y y z z t..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? But you can use only separate parts of this big dump. to see all of the subcommands of dumpsys do dumpsys grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility DUMP OF SERVICE account DUMP OF SERVICE activity.. only separate parts of this big dump. to see all of the subcommands of dumpsys do dumpsys grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility DUMP OF SERVICE account DUMP OF SERVICE activity DUMP OF SERVICE.. dump. to see all of the subcommands of dumpsys do dumpsys grep DUMP OF SERVICE Output DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility DUMP OF SERVICE account DUMP OF SERVICE activity DUMP OF SERVICE alarm DUMP OF SERVICE appwidget..
Decoding Video using FFMpeg for android ' s' n str return 1 else LOGI File is opened n LOGI File ' s' Codec s pFormatCtx filename pFormatCtx iformat name Dump information about file onto standard error LOGI dump_format dump_format pFormatCtx 0 filename 0 LOGI dump_format DONE Find..
Dynamically Generating Dalvik Bytecode into a running Dalvik/Android application they will all take some work Run your application on a standard JVM and exercise all runtime code generation there. Dump the .class files from memory to files and then run dx on those files. If you're quite sophisticated you could integrate..
How to find Memory Leak Class/Activity in Android a small tutorial with images meight be helpful. So first you need to install the MAT plugin . After a restart click on Dump HPROF file After some time about 30 seconds. You'll get a dialog where you can click on finish. Than you get this view There..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android open file Retrieve stream information if av_find_stream_info pFormatCtx 0 return 3 Couldn't find stream information Dump information about file onto standard error dump_format pFormatCtx 0 argv 0 Find the first video stream videoStream 1 audioStream..
zooming and dragging images using matrix in android view.setOnTouchListener this @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview this @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Memory Analyzer Tool in android? question Open DDMS perspective in Eclipse. Select Devices tab. Choose a process you want to make a dump for. Click Dump HPROF file button. The dump will be made and MAT window will be opened assuming MAT is installed. Choose Leak Suspects Report..
getting the position of an image after drag in android this @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v int rotation 25 Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
How to enable the (two finger) zoom in/out feature for an image in android [duplicate] 20 touch events for image Moving panning and zooming public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
rotation and scaling using multi touch in android onTouch View v MotionEvent rawEvent WrapMotionEvent event WrapMotionEvent.wrap rawEvent ... ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... double r Math.atan2 event.getX 400 2 400 2 event.getY int.. null float d 0f float newRot 0f @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v Dump touch event to log dumpEvent event Handle touch events here... switch event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN..
Out of Memory Error in android due to Heap Size Increasing point where it has occupied enough memory that you know it has leaked but not so much that it crashes. Now click the Dump HPROF File icon in the devices tab. After a brief delay you'll be offered a choice of reports on your heap. Try the Leak..