android Programming Glossary: dummybrightnessactivity
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android a dummy activity Intent intent new Intent getBaseContext DummyBrightnessActivity.class intent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent.putExtra.. just going to have to live with it. This is the code for DummyBrightnessActivity public class DummyBrightnessActivity extends Activity private.. This is the code for DummyBrightnessActivity public class DummyBrightnessActivity extends Activity private static final int DELAYED_MESSAGE 1..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android brightnessInt Apply brightness by creating a dummy activity Intent intent new Intent getBaseContext DummyBrightnessActivity.class intent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent.putExtra brightness value brightness getApplication .startActivity.. same value this is just the way it is in Android SDK so we're just going to have to live with it. This is the code for DummyBrightnessActivity public class DummyBrightnessActivity extends Activity private static final int DELAYED_MESSAGE 1 private Handler handler.. in Android SDK so we're just going to have to live with it. This is the code for DummyBrightnessActivity public class DummyBrightnessActivity extends Activity private static final int DELAYED_MESSAGE 1 private Handler handler @Override protected void onCreate Bundle..