android Programming Glossary: drawtext
Samsung devices supporting setTypeface(Typeface.Italic)? component that drawas some text onto the screen via Paint Canvas. I am using the following code before I call canvas.drawText to make my text Italic mPaintText.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.ITALIC This works on Samsung Galaxy Nexus... android textStyle italic in layout.xml and my text appears italic. Does anyone know of another way that I can set the drawText method of canvas to draw the text italicized that might work on these devices EDIT Here is a list of some ways I've tried..
Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing) 4.2.1 wrong character kerning spacing When using Canvas and drawText method I see a different rendering on Android 4.2.1. Below 4.2 For Android 4.2.1 Nexux 7 I get As you can see the text Consumption.. use titlePaint.setLinearText true I get a strange result on 4.2.1 as you can see there Android 4.2 on Nexus 7 canvas.drawText not working correctly EDIT This strange behaviour has been reported to the Android team http p android issues.. that I'm currently using scalePaint.setTextSize 1.5f then in onDraw method canvas.scale 0.01f 0.01f canvas.drawText i 0.5f 100 0.8f 100 scalePaint canvas.restore As you can see I'm rescaling back the position of the text so it's where..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] up when I'm looking at priority queues. I also have trouble where I want to display scores and progress using Canvas.drawText . This is bad canvas.drawText Your score is Score.points x y paint because Strings char arrays and StringBuffers will be.. queues. I also have trouble where I want to display scores and progress using Canvas.drawText . This is bad canvas.drawText Your score is Score.points x y paint because Strings char arrays and StringBuffers will be allocated all over to make it.. Java games that are out on mobile devices. Now for strings here's what I'd do at game initialization predraw using drawText ... only once the numbers 0 to 9 that you save in a BufferedImage 10 array. at game initialization predraw once Your score..
Measuring text width to be drawn on Canvas ( Android ) Android Is there a method which returns the width in pixels of a text to be drawn on an Android canvas using the drawText method according to the Paint used to draw it android text android canvas draw share improve this question Have you..
Gettextbounds in android size will be considered if so is it possible for me to check like this 1 Way i tried CharSequence text getText canvas.drawText text 0 text.length mTextX mTextY getPaint Paint pt new Paint pt.setTextSize 10 TextPaint tp getPaint String string haa Rect.. to getTextBounds returns the smallest rectangle that would enclose all the characters drawn by a subsequent call to drawText with x 0 and y 0. This is stated in slightly different words on the API reference . Everything that is in Paint and could.. text 0 text.length bounds The reason why the rectangle has such exotic coordinates is because when you draw text with drawText the origin to which x and y are relative depends on the typographical properties of the Paint that you selected. For instance..