android Programming Glossary: dreaded
Designing android apps for tablets 2013 Since I wrote the above Google have introduced the dreaded Designed for Phones tagline and Design your app for tablets..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR don't notice it but it does get counted twice causing the dreaded Dalvik error 1. Another possible reason could be package name..
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) on the device those first series of connections fail with dreaded UnknownHostException Host is unresolved. And of course the application..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class tabhost to display in my Activity class. I am getting the dreaded force close when I try to run the app. It will work if i extend..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change different. Replacing one with the other will lead to the dreaded IllegalStateException Fragment did not create a view problem...
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app I need..
Android http connection exception ability to send messages to the program and may pop up the dreaded Application Not Responding dialog. You should move your networking..
Designing android apps for tablets space . Update re. the Designed for Phones message December 2013 Since I wrote the above Google have introduced the dreaded Designed for Phones tagline and Design your app for tablets optimisation tips. This appears to be largely based on an automated..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR It does not show up under the Package Explorer so you don't notice it but it does get counted twice causing the dreaded Dalvik error 1. Another possible reason could be package name conflicts. Suppose you have a package and a class..
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) because the DNS for our servers are not cached already on the device those first series of connections fail with dreaded UnknownHostException Host is unresolved. And of course the application tries again later and again it seems like it is all..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out crash when I press a button Image on my UI the entire application freezes and after a couple of seconds I getthe dreaded force close dialog appearing. Here is what gets printed in the log WARN WindowManager 88 Key dispatching timed out sending..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class be overlooking something silly because I am unable to get my tabhost to display in my Activity class. I am getting the dreaded force close when I try to run the app. It will work if i extend TabActivity but I can't do that see edit below because once..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app I need to be able to toggle the GPS receiver on and off and WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS..
Android http connection exception these functions takes too long to return Android loses the ability to send messages to the program and may pop up the dreaded Application Not Responding dialog. You should move your networking operations at least any that require waiting for a result..