android Programming Glossary: dtend
how to edit the calendar events via android application endTime END_TIME_MS event.put dtstart startTime event.put dtend endTime If we are adding a birthday or holiday we would set..
How to set a reminder in Android? 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar calIds 0 cv.put title title cv.put dtstart dtstart cv.put dtend dtend cv.put rrule FREQ MONTHLY cv.put description comment Calendar.. 0 cv.put title title cv.put dtstart dtstart cv.put dtend dtend cv.put rrule FREQ MONTHLY cv.put description comment Calendar.. end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime Insertion on the events of the calendar cr.insert Uri.parse..
How to using intents to view calendar data?
how to edit the calendar events via android application end information as follows long startTime START_TIME_MS long endTime END_TIME_MS event.put dtstart startTime event.put dtend endTime If we are adding a birthday or holiday we would set the entry to be an all day event event.put allDay 1 0 for false..
How to set a reminder in Android? values.put allDay 0 values.put dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put description Reminder description values.put visibility..
Insert multiple events in Android calendar code ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put calendar_id calIds 0 cv.put title title cv.put dtstart dtstart cv.put dtend dtend cv.put rrule FREQ MONTHLY cv.put description comment Calendar start Calendar.getInstance start.set 2012 0 2 8 0 0.. ContentValues cv new ContentValues cv.put calendar_id calIds 0 cv.put title title cv.put dtstart dtstart cv.put dtend dtend cv.put rrule FREQ MONTHLY cv.put description comment Calendar start Calendar.getInstance start.set 2012 0 2 8 0 0 Calendar.. 2012 0 2 9 0 0 long startTime start.getTimeInMillis long endTime end.getTimeInMillis cv.put dtstart startTime cv.put dtend endTime Insertion on the events of the calendar cr.insert Uri.parse content events cv It inserts my..
How to using intents to view calendar data?