android Programming Glossary: drawingtime
Possibility of a Curved Gallery will be called for each child that needs to be drawn. protected boolean drawChild Canvas canvas View child long drawingTime final int left child.getLeft int adjustedXOrigin left getWidth 2 child.getWidth 2 int newtop int ellipseYOffset Math.sqrt.. 2 if newtop 0 child.layout left newtop left child.getWidth newtop child.getHeight return super.drawChild canvas child drawingTime return true In onLayout I calculate ellipseYOffset. This centers the middle selected view vertically in the view no matter.. false this.mEllipseMinor ellipseMinor @Override protected boolean drawChild Canvas canvas View child long drawingTime final int left child.getLeft final int childWidth child.getWidth final int childHeight child.getHeight int adjustedXOrigin..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash to eat the first draw of the FlashPaintSurface @Override protected boolean drawChild Canvas canvas View child long drawingTime if eatenFirstFlashDraw child.getClass .getName .equals com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface eatenFirstFlashDraw true.. com.adobe.flashplayer.FlashPaintSurface eatenFirstFlashDraw true return true return super.drawChild canvas child drawingTime The layout XML should declare an instance of this class i.e. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..