android Programming Glossary: dug
Google Cloud Messaging - messages sometimes not received until network state changed android android gcm android networking share improve this question I've noticed this as well. Although I haven't dug into the actual code here's my understanding of why this happens. GCM and most push messaging services works by keeping..
Android : Where should a OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener be defined/registered object. As per this answer it will get garbage collected and thus not actually listen to anything if you don't. Having dug into the source a bit it seems SharedPreferencesImpl uses a WeakHashMap to contain registered listeners source lines 72..
Android multi-touch support but nothing states it clearly. Regards Zdenek android multi touch share improve this question I've dug around in the API and found a way to perform gestures like pinch reverse pinch so I believe the gestures you describe are..
Why do I get NullPointerException when sending an SMS on an HTC Desire, or what is SubmitPdu? sentPI deliveredPI This error seems to only occur on HTC Desire or HTC Wildfire with android version 2.2 or 2.21 so I dug up the android platform source which is actually not as easy to do as I expected and found once upon a time..
HTML5 <audio> tag on Android Samsung phones like Nexus S or Galaxy S . android html5 google chrome audio share improve this question What you dug up agrees with what I've run into as well. 2.2 supports the audio tag but has no codecs to back it this is apparently a..
android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out) default settings and registered schemes for Android . Since this was introduced in api level 8 Android 2.2 I dug up the source to duplicate these default settings so that I could use it further back than that api level. Here is my code..