android Programming Glossary: dumped
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? in a simple string representation. Possibility to use dumped CPU RAM Battery storage stats for a pretty charts which will..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec when they are not in any containers and need to be dumped and played later. If android default is mp4 but default annexb..
Android emulator segmentation fault fault emulator avd nexus_s Segmentation fault core dumped However running emulator arm directly as follows works fine... OpenGLES emulation support Segmentation fault core dumped android android emulator emulator avd share improve this..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework have ported a video decoder to android successfully. Also dumped the output on a surfaceview and checked the output using native..
How to use SMS content provider? Where are the docs? Ok I found a way to get the sms inbox provider and I just dumped all the column names in that provider looks like this Uri uriSms..
Catching market search intents? heard of such a thing for intent resolution. Anyway I just dumped the Market APK on my HTC Hero and checked the manifest. They're..
List assets in a subdirectory using AssetManager.list My application has an assets directory in which I've dumped a bunch of text files I need to load at runtime. I have a directory..
android vcard string to contact it might be possible to have a whole load of .vcf files dumped in a directory somewhere and write some code which simply creates..
Main Activity is not garbage collected after destruction because it is referenced by InputMethodManager indirectly this with android emulator on Windows XP SDK 2.3.1 . I dumped the heap and checked the main activity is still in the heap..
SDK Manager.exe doesn't work - Android . If that does not work you should have information dumped to the command prompt that will help you diagnose your setup..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? few of the errors. I just created a new project in Eclipse dumped my code in there fixed a few things and got it up and running...
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? Uri . However when I tried that the installer system dumped a Skipping dir warning to LogCat and failed to actually install..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? Obvious benefits Possibility to easily get system information in a simple string representation. Possibility to use dumped CPU RAM Battery storage stats for a pretty charts which will allow you to check how your application affects the overall..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec this is requirement for any h.264 elementary stream to be playable when they are not in any containers and need to be dumped and played later. If android default is mp4 but default annexb headers will be switched off so perhaps there is a switch..
Android emulator segmentation fault fault Running it from the command line resulted in a segmentation fault emulator avd nexus_s Segmentation fault core dumped However running emulator arm directly as follows works fine. emulator arm avd nexus_s I suspect it's trying to run the mips.. .android avd nexus_s.avd cache.img emulator Initializing hardware OpenGLES emulation support Segmentation fault core dumped android android emulator emulator avd share improve this question I finally found a solution after following CommonsWare's..
Android: How to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework to integrate a decoder to multimedia framework Recently i have ported a video decoder to android successfully. Also dumped the output on a surfaceview and checked the output using native API's. Now the next task is to implement play pause streaming..
How to use SMS content provider? Where are the docs? documentation for it anyone know where that is Thanks edit Ok I found a way to get the sms inbox provider and I just dumped all the column names in that provider looks like this Uri uriSms Uri.parse content sms inbox Cursor c context.getContentResolver..
Catching market search intents? are broadcasts that only the system can create but I hadn't heard of such a thing for intent resolution. Anyway I just dumped the Market APK on my HTC Hero and checked the manifest. They're being slightly more specific in their URI matching by adding..
List assets in a subdirectory using AssetManager.list assets in a subdirectory using AssetManager.list My application has an assets directory in which I've dumped a bunch of text files I need to load at runtime. I have a directory full of assets of a particular type i.e. assets subdir..
android vcard string to contact with checkboxes to make my selection . In theory I suppose it might be possible to have a whole load of .vcf files dumped in a directory somewhere and write some code which simply creates an Intent to 'open' one of them and use that with startActivity..
Main Activity is not garbage collected after destruction because it is referenced by InputMethodManager indirectly the proposed solution does not solve the leak problem. I tested this with android emulator on Windows XP SDK 2.3.1 . I dumped the heap and checked the main activity is still in the heap I used MAT Here's what I did create HelloWorld app with HelloWorldActivity..
SDK Manager.exe doesn't work - Android
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? run the code that I wrote up yesterday so I didn't catch a few of the errors. I just created a new project in Eclipse dumped my code in there fixed a few things and got it up and running. All changes that I made are reflected in the code above I..
Can We Install an APK From a ContentProvider? then install it from there via a ContentProvider and a content Uri . However when I tried that the installer system dumped a Skipping dir warning to LogCat and failed to actually install it. Once I switched to downloading the APK to external storage..