android Programming Glossary: droptarget
How to drag the TextView to the correct target other TextView view dragged item is being dropped on TextView dropTarget TextView v view being dragged and dropped TextView dropped.. text in the target view to reflect the data being dropped dropTarget.setText dropped.getText make it bold to highlight the fact.. bold to highlight the fact that an item has been dropped dropTarget.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD if an item has already been..
Drag and drop a view float y final int coordinates mCoordinatesTemp DropTarget dropTarget findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit.. dropTarget findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit mDragSource coordinates 0 coordinates.. findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit mDragSource coordinates 0 coordinates 1 int mTouchOffsetX..
How to drag the TextView to the correct target other TextView where it was before it was dragged view.setVisibility View.INVISIBLE view dragged item is being dropped on TextView dropTarget TextView v view being dragged and dropped TextView dropped TextView view update the text in the target view to reflect.. and dropped TextView dropped TextView view update the text in the target view to reflect the data being dropped dropTarget.setText dropped.getText make it bold to highlight the fact that an item has been dropped dropTarget.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD.. being dropped dropTarget.setText dropped.getText make it bold to highlight the fact that an item has been dropped dropTarget.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD if an item has already been dropped here there will be a tag Object tag dropTarget.getTag..
Drag and drop a view onDrop .I am providing its code private boolean drop float x float y final int coordinates mCoordinatesTemp DropTarget dropTarget findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit mDragSource coordinates 0 coordinates 1.. float x float y final int coordinates mCoordinatesTemp DropTarget dropTarget findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit mDragSource coordinates 0 coordinates 1 int mTouchOffsetX int mTouchOffsetY mDragView mDragInfo.. final int coordinates mCoordinatesTemp DropTarget dropTarget findDropTarget int x int y coordinates if dropTarget null dropTarget.onDragExit mDragSource coordinates 0 coordinates 1 int mTouchOffsetX int mTouchOffsetY mDragView mDragInfo if dropTarget.acceptDrop..