android Programming Glossary: dropping
How to make view resizable on touch event touch drop just do things here after dropping break redraw the canvas invalidate return true public void..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) InputStream dropping first two bytes modified BluetoothChat I've used code from..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) of this however I PackageManager 602 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN..
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time into an existing task so just quietly finish and go away dropping the user back into the activity at the top of the stack ie the..
How to drag the TextView to the correct target other TextView by setting OnDragListener to null so that no further drag dropping on this TextView can be done dropTarget.setOnDragListener null..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager to my loction button mMap.setMyLocationEnabled true For dropping a marker at a point on the Map mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions..
How do I use PackageManager.addPreferredActivity()? Also the first line in the log below says something about dropping preferred activity for Intent 04 06 02 34 42.379 INFO PackageManager.. 02 34 42.379 INFO PackageManager 1017 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN..
Is the onUpgrade method ever called? where it drops all the tables but then a comment says that dropping all the tables is NOT what you should do. java android sqlite..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? I could only share primitives between my Activities. And dropping junk in a database is NOT a model because it contains no behavior...
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images for iPhone and Android which involves the dragging and dropping images. You initiate the drag by holding your finger over the..
Android: change default Home Application and the logs say INFO PackageManager 52 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? advantage of using the fast native active class on iOS and dropping back to JavaScript on Android. Taken from my blog at http
Custom tap window on Google Map The Following method is to be called when to have dropping pin effect the method is simply creating two arrays for starting.. end new int size Method for checking two arrays. Used for dropping pin effect private boolean checkTwoArrayForEquality int a int.. canvas mapView shadow Uncomment the below for dropping pin effect if checkTwoArrayForEquality start end for int i..
Android layout - alignment issue with ImageView to fill_parent In the mean time I've worked around this by dropping the ImageView inside another LinearLayout and dropping an empty.. by dropping the ImageView inside another LinearLayout and dropping an empty TextView to its right that takes up the rest of the..
Android Kernel Debugging kgdb. # echo n g proc sysrq trigger Just results in dropping me back to the command prompt and I think it is suppose to freeze..
Drag and drop a view layout_height match_parent This button i am dragging and dropping Button android id @ id button2 android layout_width wrap_content..
Adding widgets to a launcher page without bindAppWidgetId() there the only things not working are the search icon and dropping widgets onto the screen which causes a crash. The crash is because..
How to make view resizable on touch event point2.x point3.x point4.x paint invalidate break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP touch drop just do things here after dropping break redraw the canvas invalidate return true public void shade_region_between_points canvas.drawRect point1.x point2.x..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) InputStream dropping first two bytes modified BluetoothChat I've used code from BluetoothChat example to send and receive byte data from a Bluetooth..
Clearing and setting the default home application (SOLVED) 0 from pid 22641 When i use the Nova implementation I see all of this however I PackageManager 602 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.HOME flg 0x10200000 has extras..
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time Android launched another instance of the root activity into an existing task so just quietly finish and go away dropping the user back into the activity at the top of the stack ie the last state of this task finish return share improve this..
How to drag the TextView to the correct target other TextView dropTarget.setTag dropped.getId remove setOnDragListener by setting OnDragListener to null so that no further drag dropping on this TextView can be done dropTarget.setOnDragListener null else displays message if first character of dropTarget..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager is not null. private static void setUpMap For showing a move to my loction button mMap.setMyLocationEnabled true For dropping a marker at a point on the Map mMap.addMarker new MarkerOptions .position new LatLng latitude longitude .title My Home .snippet..
How do I use PackageManager.addPreferredActivity()? call worked but my app did not get added as the preferred. Also the first line in the log below says something about dropping preferred activity for Intent 04 06 02 34 42.379 INFO PackageManager 1017 Result set changed dropping preferred activity.. something about dropping preferred activity for Intent 04 06 02 34 42.379 INFO PackageManager 1017 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.HOME flg 0x10200000 type null 04..
Is the onUpgrade method ever called? What should be done in the method I have seen examples where it drops all the tables but then a comment says that dropping all the tables is NOT what you should do. java android sqlite share improve this question It is called when you construct..
what's design pattern principle in the Android development? application. Android seemed to want me to be a nomad because I could only share primitives between my Activities. And dropping junk in a database is NOT a model because it contains no behavior. So as most people my business logic all ends up in my..
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images to save images I've written a web app in HTML and Javascript for iPhone and Android which involves the dragging and dropping images. You initiate the drag by holding your finger over the image for about a second. However Android then pops up the..
Android: change default Home Application when I proceed by clicking home the list still shows up and the logs say INFO PackageManager 52 Result set changed dropping preferred activity for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.HOME flg 0x10200000 type null So..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? function this .removeClass fake active This has the advantage of using the fast native active class on iOS and dropping back to JavaScript on Android. Taken from my blog at http 2011 11 android phonegap active css..
Custom tap window on Google Map private int start end private boolean checkAnimationEnded The Following method is to be called when to have dropping pin effect the method is simply creating two arrays for starting and ending point of map location. On draw will be called.. int size mList.size start new int size end new int size Method for checking two arrays. Used for dropping pin effect private boolean checkTwoArrayForEquality int a int b boolean result true for int i 0 i a.length i if a i b i.. boolean shadow drawMapLocations canvas mapView shadow drawInfoWindow canvas mapView shadow Uncomment the below for dropping pin effect if checkTwoArrayForEquality start end for int i 0 i start.length i if start i end i start i 3 mapView.invalidate..
Android layout - alignment issue with ImageView aligned within the ImageView when the layout_width is set to fill_parent In the mean time I've worked around this by dropping the ImageView inside another LinearLayout and dropping an empty TextView to its right that takes up the rest of the horizontal.. set to fill_parent In the mean time I've worked around this by dropping the ImageView inside another LinearLayout and dropping an empty TextView to its right that takes up the rest of the horizontal space. android layout share improve this question..
Android Kernel Debugging the problem I am running into is getting the kernel to trigger kgdb. # echo n g proc sysrq trigger Just results in dropping me back to the command prompt and I think it is suppose to freeze everything and send a prompt over usb which is being used..
Drag and drop a view android id @ id ll android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent This button i am dragging and dropping Button android id @ id button2 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_x 84dp..
Adding widgets to a launcher page without bindAppWidgetId() the stock ICS launcher into a standalone app. I'm nearly there the only things not working are the search icon and dropping widgets onto the screen which causes a crash. The crash is because the stock launcher uses appWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetId..