android Programming Glossary: dropdown
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget in XML as you can do with background of items in ActionBar dropdown . This is because selectableItemBackground is listed as styleable.. name searchDropdownBackground @android drawable spinner_dropdown_background item item name searchViewTextField @drawable textfield_searchview_holo_dark..
Styling ActionBar dropdown menu ActionBar dropdown menu I'm using a custom theme that inherits from DarkActionBar.. that inherits from DarkActionBar and I want to customize dropdown menu to be white like when using Light Holo theme. I've been.. item item name android popupBackground @drawable menu_dropdown_panel_whyite item item name android dropDownSelector @drawable..
Show dropdown programatically in ActionBar / ActionBarSherlock dropdown programatically in ActionBar ActionBarSherlock I have an activity..
Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse I found that the avd or sdk options in the windows dropdown menu in eclipse are gone And I can't find any option to create..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? this question In holo theme spinner by default uses dropdown mode. And all moves with overriding default styles just move.. . But it's not resolve the problem because it's dialog not dropdown. I have found another solution for this trouble Override getDropDownView..
Android Spinner - How to make dropdown view transparent? Spinner How to make dropdown view transparent I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file.. to make dropdown view transparent I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file in res layout spinner_view_dropdown.xml xml version.. spinner dropdown xml file in res layout spinner_view_dropdown.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 TextView xmlns android http..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? listview inside it. i know we can create textboxes buttons dropdown list inside it. but in order to create list view we should inherit..
Android Emulator - Trouble creating user accounts in the package explorer. Select Properties from the dropdown menu. Click Android on the left of the properties window and..
android change text color of items in spinner ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item testarray @Override public boolean isEnabled int position.. ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item testarray @Override public boolean isEnabled int position.. called row.xml. it is used to set the display for the dropdown view. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns android..
ActionBar text color textColorPrimary but it also changes the text color of the dropdown menu displayed when an overflow happen on the ActionBar buttons... buttons. Any idea how to change the color of those dropdown menu List android android 3.0 android actionbar share improve..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? in the spinner button after you select an item from the dropdown. I've been perusing the themes.xml and styles.xml in the Android.. from. To clarify I'm NOT trying to change the color of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed.. the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it the spinner's 'button' text. android..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme themes for the layout have been selected. So click the dropdown list for theme selection and choose the available themes according..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar next to the overflow button but I want that item to be a dropdown list and the user will be able to select an option there but..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the.. items but then Select One would also be displayed in the dropdown list as first item which is not what I want. How can I fix this..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget text field style using themes styles and inheritance in XML as you can do with background of items in ActionBar dropdown . This is because selectableItemBackground is listed as styleable in R.stylable whereas searchViewTextField theme attribute.. ...other attributes present here... SearchView attributes item name searchDropdownBackground @android drawable spinner_dropdown_background item item name searchViewTextField @drawable textfield_searchview_holo_dark item item name searchViewTextFieldRight..
Styling ActionBar dropdown menu ActionBar dropdown menu I'm using a custom theme that inherits from DarkActionBar and I want to customize dropdown menu to be white like when.. ActionBar dropdown menu I'm using a custom theme that inherits from DarkActionBar and I want to customize dropdown menu to be white like when using Light Holo theme. I've been able to change the background to white using style name MyTheme.. item name android background @drawable spinner_background_white item item name android popupBackground @drawable menu_dropdown_panel_whyite item item name android dropDownSelector @drawable selectable_background_white item style But I haven't any..
Show dropdown programatically in ActionBar / ActionBarSherlock dropdown programatically in ActionBar ActionBarSherlock I have an activity using ActionBarSherlock with ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST..
Can't find AVD or SDK manager in Eclipse tools using the sdk manager. The problem is that after updating I found that the avd or sdk options in the windows dropdown menu in eclipse are gone And I can't find any option to create an android project from file new projects any more. I tried..
Spinner does not wrap text — is this an Android bug? android android layout spinner android spinner share improve this question In holo theme spinner by default uses dropdown mode. And all moves with overriding default styles just move to switching spinner mode to dialog mode which succesfully.. Spinner.MODE_DIALOG or in xml android spinnerMode dialog . But it's not resolve the problem because it's dialog not dropdown. I have found another solution for this trouble Override getDropDownView method in ArrayAdapter and put setSingleLine false..
Android Spinner - How to make dropdown view transparent? Spinner How to make dropdown view transparent I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file in res layout spinner_view_dropdown.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. Spinner How to make dropdown view transparent I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file in res layout spinner_view_dropdown.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 TextView xmlns android http Spinner How to make dropdown view transparent I have a custom spinner dropdown xml file in res layout spinner_view_dropdown.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 TextView xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id spinner_item_dropdown..
is it possible to create listview inside dialog? Dialog functionality now my requirement is to create listview inside it. i know we can create textboxes buttons dropdown list inside it. but in order to create list view we should inherit our class from listActivity class what you suggest is..
Android Emulator - Trouble creating user accounts account. To configure your eclipse project right click the project in the package explorer. Select Properties from the dropdown menu. Click Android on the left of the properties window and select the same Google APIs target that you selected for your..
android change text color of items in spinner testarray.add item3 ArrayAdapter String spinnerAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item testarray @Override public boolean isEnabled int position return position 1 public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return.. testarray.add item3 ArrayAdapter String spinnerAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item testarray @Override public boolean isEnabled int position if position 1 return false else return true @Override.. The layout that is being inflated is a custom layout called row.xml. it is used to set the display for the dropdown view. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 TextView xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id spinnerTarget..
ActionBar text color able to change the text color with the attribute android textColorPrimary but it also changes the text color of the dropdown menu displayed when an overflow happen on the ActionBar buttons. Any idea how to change the color of those dropdown menu.. dropdown menu displayed when an overflow happen on the ActionBar buttons. Any idea how to change the color of those dropdown menu List android android 3.0 android actionbar share improve this question Ok I've found a better way. I'm now able..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? to change the text color of the single item that is displayed in the spinner button after you select an item from the dropdown. I've been perusing the themes.xml and styles.xml in the Android SDK for an hour now and I can't seem to find where the.. seem to find where the Spinner is getting the color value from. To clarify I'm NOT trying to change the color of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it.. to change the color of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it the spinner's 'button' text. android text colors spinner share improve this question I think..
Failed to find style 'mapViewStyle' in current theme Layout View and look at the top Right corner. There your themes for the layout have been selected. So click the dropdown list for theme selection and choose the available themes according to your project themes and targeted sdk themes . OR..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar Tabs as the navigation style. I would like to add one item next to the overflow button but I want that item to be a dropdown list and the user will be able to select an option there but not related to navigation. What is the easiest way since I'm..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With this code initially the item One is displayed. I could just add a new item Select One.. is displayed. I could just add a new item Select One to the items but then Select One would also be displayed in the dropdown list as first item which is not what I want. How can I fix this problem android android spinner share improve this question..