android Programming Glossary: previewheight
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display width r l final int height b t int previewWidth width int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null previewWidth mPreviewSize.width.. if mPreviewSize null previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView within the.. Center the child SurfaceView within the parent. if width previewHeight height previewWidth final int scaledChildWidth previewWidth..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails final int height bottom top int previewWidth width int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null Display display WindowManager mContext.getSystemService.. case Surface.ROTATION_0 previewWidth mPreviewSize.height previewHeight mPreviewSize.width mCamera.setDisplayOrientation 90 break.. case Surface.ROTATION_90 previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height break case Surface.ROTATION_180 previewWidth..
Fitting a camera preview to a SurfaceView larger than the display getChildCount 0 final View child getChildAt 0 final int width r l final int height b t int previewWidth width int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView.. int height b t int previewWidth width int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView within the parent. if width previewHeight height previewWidth final int.. mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height Center the child SurfaceView within the parent. if width previewHeight height previewWidth final int scaledChildWidth previewWidth height previewHeight child.layout width scaledChildWidth 2..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails final View cameraView getChildAt 0 final int width right left final int height bottom top int previewWidth width int previewHeight height if mPreviewSize null Display display WindowManager mContext.getSystemService Context.WINDOW_SERVICE .getDefaultDisplay.. .getDefaultDisplay switch display.getRotation case Surface.ROTATION_0 previewWidth mPreviewSize.height previewHeight mPreviewSize.width mCamera.setDisplayOrientation 90 break case Surface.ROTATION_90 previewWidth mPreviewSize.width .. mCamera.setDisplayOrientation 90 break case Surface.ROTATION_90 previewWidth mPreviewSize.width previewHeight mPreviewSize.height break case Surface.ROTATION_180 previewWidth mPreviewSize.height previewHeight mPreviewSize.width..