android Programming Glossary: prefseditor
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString.. this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit.. Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener..
how to pass string one activity to another?
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object many fields.I can't put in the SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putString BusinessUnit strBusinessUnit.. in the SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putString BusinessUnit strBusinessUnit like this. Please help.. mPrefs getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE To Save Editor prefsEditor mPrefs.edit Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson MyObject..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? fromOrientation false SharedPreferences myPrefLogin Editor prefsEditor @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState prefsEditor myPrefLogin.edit myPrefLogin this.getSharedPreferences myPrefs.. @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance prefsEditor.putString fromOrient true prefsEditor.commit return null ..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit.. is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm.. myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class..
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array.. prefs PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener.. this.getApplicationContext Editor prefsEditor prefs.edit prefsEditor.putString Object name_of_GPRS__available.toString prefsEditor.commit GPRS.setAdapter spinner_array GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener MyOnItemSelectedListener GPRS.setOnItemSelectedListener..
how to pass string one activity to another?
How Android SharedPreferences save/store object of I need to get the user object everywhere.This user contain many fields.I can't put in the SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putString BusinessUnit strBusinessUnit like this. Please help me thanks in advance android sharedpreferences.. object everywhere.This user contain many fields.I can't put in the SharedPreferences.Editor prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putString BusinessUnit strBusinessUnit like this. Please help me thanks in advance android sharedpreferences share improve.. https p google gson downloads list SharedPreferences mPrefs getPreferences MODE_PRIVATE To Save Editor prefsEditor mPrefs.edit Gson gson new Gson String json gson.toJson MyObject prefsEditor.putString MyObject json prefsEditor.commit To..
Is that possible to check was onCreate called because of orientation change? question public class MyActivity extends Activity boolean fromOrientation false SharedPreferences myPrefLogin Editor prefsEditor @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState prefsEditor myPrefLogin.edit.. Editor prefsEditor @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState prefsEditor myPrefLogin.edit myPrefLogin this.getSharedPreferences myPrefs Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE fromOrientation myPrefLogin.getString.. else do as per need logic of default onCreate . @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance prefsEditor.putString fromOrient true prefsEditor.commit return null @Override protected void onDestroy if fromOrientation prefsEditor.putString..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working if tButtonTwoMonth.isChecked Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class.. Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class.. Two months reminder is On Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show prefsEditor myPrefs.edit prefsEditor.putBoolean TwoMonth true prefsEditor.commit For Broadcast Alarm Intent in new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class alarmManagerForTwoMonth1..