android Programming Glossary: preventing
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? drawable folder will cause the resource compiler to fail preventing the file from being generated correctly. share improve..
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap
Android: Remove all the previous activities from the back stack as shown here On logout clear Activity history stack preventing back button from opening logged in only Activites See these..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? application. At this point you can cancel the broadcast preventing it from being propagated to other apps. Update October 2013..
Android: Override back button to act like home button BACK the application overrides the normal back behavior preventing the player activity from being destroyed and continues playing..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently do that you had to save the listener in a field therefore preventing the issue. It's the saving the listener in a field that fixes..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] schedules the database access in a background thread preventing ANR errors while not requiring you to explicitly handle threading...
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites logout clear Activity history stack preventing &ldquo back&rdquo button from opening logged in only Activites.. the Login activity at the bottom of the history stack and preventing the user from navigating back to previously seen logged in activities...
Crash when loading font not me Did something significant change in the API that's preventing me from doing this java android share improve this question..
Memory leak in WebView included a WebView component that even if not used was preventing the memory from being g collected after screen rotations app..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities a strong reference to the context you pass in to start preventing it from ever getting garbage collected after its destroyed...
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) keeping a background service alive preventing process death I have a service that is defined as public class..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText not preventing keyboard from covering EditText I'm trying to create a pretty..
android:configChanges=“orientation” does not work with fragments orientation does work with fragments with respect to preventing the activity to which it is applied being re created on an orientation..
Android 4.0.3 and finish activity because of an Exception only occurring in 4.0 which is preventing the Activity from closing properly. Also just try to invoke..
Bluetooth file transfer Android in sending out data seamlessly over the stream as well as preventing corruption of data at the receiving end. BufferedInputStream..
Phonegap input type password field focus moving the contents on IME start adjustNothing and also be preventing the contents inside the webview from moving at all. This also..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off turn the accelerometer off when the screen goes off thus preventing the sensor event listener to receive new events. I also tested..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine..
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images the Android &ldquo long press&rdquo to save images I've written..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? functions from being stripped from a static library when linked..
Android Preventing Double Click On A Button Preventing Double Click On A Button What is the best way to prevent double..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory Bitmap Limit Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory I'm currently struggling with an odd..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error catching &ldquo IllegalArgumentException parameter must be a..
Preventing status bar expansion status bar expansion Is there anyway to prevent users from..
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories?
Disabling text selection in PhoneGap
Android: Remove all the previous activities from the back stack a better way to do this would be using broadcast receivers as shown here On logout clear Activity history stack preventing back button from opening logged in only Activites See these threads for other methods as well Android Clear the back stack..
Can we delete an SMS in Android before it reaches the inbox? you will then receive the notification before the native SMS application. At this point you can cancel the broadcast preventing it from being propagated to other apps. Update October 2013 When Android 4.4 arrives it will make changes to the SMS APIs..
Android: Override back button to act like home button starts playing music in the Music application and then presses BACK the application overrides the normal back behavior preventing the player activity from being destroyed and continues playing music even though its activity is no longer visible How do..
SharedPreferences.onSharedPreferenceChangeListener not being called consistently in the onDestroy method fixes the problem is because to do that you had to save the listener in a field therefore preventing the issue. It's the saving the listener in a field that fixes the problem not the unregistering in onDestroy. share improve..
What should I use Android AccountManager for? [closed] is the only way to share data across applications ContentProvider schedules the database access in a background thread preventing ANR errors while not requiring you to explicitly handle threading. ContentProvider ties into ContentResolver's observer..
On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing “back” button from opening logged-in-only Activites logout clear Activity history stack preventing &ldquo back&rdquo button from opening logged in only Activites All activities in my application require a user to be logged.. in the documentation but does not achieve my goal of placing the Login activity at the bottom of the history stack and preventing the user from navigating back to previously seen logged in activities. I also tried using android launchMode singleTop for..
Crash when loading font be causing this It worked for the people in the blogs so why not me Did something significant change in the API that's preventing me from doing this java android share improve this question Android does not support OpenType OTF only TrueType TTF..
Memory leak in WebView on my Android app. In the end it turned out that my xml layout included a WebView component that even if not used was preventing the memory from being g collected after screen rotations app restart is this a bug of the current implementation or is there..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities up through at least version 1.2 that causes it to keep a strong reference to the context you pass in to start preventing it from ever getting garbage collected after its destroyed. Depending on the size of your context this can be a sizable..
Android: keeping a background service alive (preventing process death) keeping a background service alive preventing process death I have a service that is defined as public class SleepAccelerometerService extends Service implements SensorEventListener..
Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript
adjustPan not preventing keyboard from covering EditText not preventing keyboard from covering EditText I'm trying to create a pretty basic chat screen with a ListView displaying the text and..
android:configChanges=“orientation” does not work with fragments with Honeycomb 3.0 and compatibility library r1 . configChange orientation does work with fragments with respect to preventing the activity to which it is applied being re created on an orientation change. If you want the fragment not to be re created..
Android 4.0.3 and finish activity
Bluetooth file transfer Android turned out that 8 1024 was a good buffer size which helped in sending out data seamlessly over the stream as well as preventing corruption of data at the receiving end. BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream fis 8 1024 byte buffer new byte..
Phonegap input type password field focus the only good way to avoid this is to prevent android from moving the contents on IME start adjustNothing and also be preventing the contents inside the webview from moving at all. This also seems to break all CSS3 3d 3d transforms even simple scales..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off some implementations for these drivers the developers simply turn the accelerometer off when the screen goes off thus preventing the sensor event listener to receive new events. I also tested this with CyanogenMod RC7.2 but it did not work either because..
Preventing HttpClient 4 from following redirect HttpClient 4 from following redirect I'm connecting to my AppEngine application using the Apache HttpComponents library...
Preventing the Android “long press” to save images the Android &ldquo long press&rdquo to save images I've written a web app in HTML and Javascript for iPhone and Android..
Preventing functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library? functions from being stripped from a static library when linked into a shared library I have a static library Foo that..
Android Preventing Double Click On A Button Preventing Double Click On A Button What is the best way to prevent double clicks on a button in Android android share improve..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory Bitmap Limit Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory I'm currently struggling with an odd behavior of the Android platform the Bitmap Java heap memory..
Preventing/catching “IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view” error catching &ldquo IllegalArgumentException parameter must be a descendant of this view&rdquo error I have a ListView with..
Preventing status bar expansion status bar expansion Is there anyway to prevent users from sliding the status bar expand or collapsing back I'm trying..