android Programming Glossary: presentation
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue context..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video buffer get coded output buffer write it to a file increase presentation time and repeat However I have tested this a lot and I end up.. dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 presentationTime 100 info new BufferInfo outputBufferIndex.. inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 presentationTime 100 info new BufferInfo outputBufferIndex codec.dequeueOutputBuffer..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null null. getDrawingCache should return a Bitmap which is the presentation of View's content. Example code public void onCreate final Bundle..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? in Android During the most recent google io there was a presentation about implementing restful client applications. Unfortunately.. information about and it's not necessary to have seen the presentation to be able to answer this question. In this diagram http
Google's voice search speech recognition service recognition share improve this question I read this presentation few weeks ago http courses android speechinput.pdf..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' management for Android Apps At about 14 minutes into the presentation he breaks down the message format. BTW that video has really..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern id public List Customer getVipCompanies Referred to the presentation Developing Android REST client applications from Virgil Dobjanschi..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash great application but for some animations during the presentation the customer wanted to use flash animations. Because I couldn't..
Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat nice trick with the image loading here . Do not miss the presentation here Hope this helps STeN javascript android web applications..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? number the phone number to be added to the calls db @param presentation the number presenting rules set by the network for allowed.. addCall CallerInfo ci Context context String number int presentation int callType long start int duration final ContentResolver.. number field is empty and set the number to Unavailable if presentation Connection.PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED number CallerInfo.PRIVATE_NUMBER..
why does the ViewHolder pattren work? corresponding to any position. Slides 11 to 13 of Romain's presentation will make it a lot more clear than anything I can write. share..
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? 3.0 Honeycomb added Device API support . Google I O 2011 presentation shows an example on slide 30 input type file accept image capture..
Video processing in Android reading image data from a stream before handing it to the presentation layer. However I have not spent enough time with it to know..
ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow this question Take a look at Eric's from squareup presentation material from Oreilly's AndoridOpen Conference last year in.. that should help you out. I wish they had the video of his presentation somewhere. I could not find it. So sorry. EDIT Thanks to @mykola..
Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter? BitmapLruCache parameter I am having trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation code look like this mRequestQueue Volley.newRequestQueue context mImageLoader new ImageLoader mRequestQueue new BitmapLruCache..
Using MediaCodec to save series of images as Video object fill it with your frame's image data queue the input buffer get coded output buffer write it to a file increase presentation time and repeat However I have tested this a lot and I end up with one of two cases All sample projects I tried to imitate.. int samplesiz dat.length inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 presentationTime 100 info new BufferInfo outputBufferIndex codec.dequeueOutputBuffer info WAITTIME Log.i BATA.. inputBuffers inputBufferIndex .put dat codec.queueInputBuffer inputBufferIndex 0 samplesiz presentationTime 0 presentationTime 100 info new BufferInfo outputBufferIndex codec.dequeueOutputBuffer info WAITTIME Log.i BATA outputBufferIndex outputBufferIndex..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null problem Using the method View.getDrawingCache always returns null. getDrawingCache should return a Bitmap which is the presentation of View's content. Example code public void onCreate final Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView..
How to Define Callbacks in Android? to Define Callbacks in Android During the most recent google io there was a presentation about implementing restful client applications. Unfortunately it was only a high level discussion with no source code of.. is one sticking point for me that I can't seem to find any information about and it's not necessary to have seen the presentation to be able to answer this question. In this diagram http GlYQF.gif on the return path there are various different..
Google's voice search speech recognition service other articles that may explain its workings android speech recognition share improve this question I read this presentation few weeks ago http courses android speechinput.pdf The following link is a 3 mile high review of the Google..
Android logs 'GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC' 'GC_FOR_MALLOC' are explained is in this video Google I O 2011 Memory management for Android Apps At about 14 minutes into the presentation he breaks down the message format. BTW that video has really good info on debugging memory leaks Roughly speaking the format..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern Company getCompanies public Customer getCompany final String id public List Customer getVipCompanies Referred to the presentation Developing Android REST client applications from Virgil Dobjanschi I learned that it is no good idea to handle the REST..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash but my issue is for every tablet phone I tried. I made a really great application but for some animations during the presentation the customer wanted to use flash animations. Because I couldn't code animations sort of little movies animated graphics..
Javascript console.log() on HTC Android devices and adb logcat and not relying on the console.log or other methods see the nice trick with the image loading here . Do not miss the presentation here Hope this helps STeN javascript android web applications mobile website android logcat share improve this question..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? context the context used to get the ContentResolver @param number the phone number to be added to the calls db @param presentation the number presenting rules set by the network for allowed payphone restricted or unknown @param callType enumerated values.. duration call duration in seconds @hide public static Uri addCall CallerInfo ci Context context String number int presentation int callType long start int duration final ContentResolver resolver context.getContentResolver If this is a private number.. then set the number to Private otherwise check if the number field is empty and set the number to Unavailable if presentation Connection.PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED number CallerInfo.PRIVATE_NUMBER if ci null else if presentation Connection.PRESENTATION_PAYPHONE..
why does the ViewHolder pattren work?
Can you launch the native Camera App from an Html 5 Web App? android camera share improve this question Android 3.0 Honeycomb added Device API support . Google I O 2011 presentation shows an example on slide 30 input type file accept image capture camera It also points to a test site that not surprisingly..
Video processing in Android NDK which allows one to have more say in what happens when reading image data from a stream before handing it to the presentation layer. However I have not spent enough time with it to know whether it could be recommended for your situation. share improve..
ImageView with rounded corners and inner shadow be appreciated. Thanks android imageview draw share improve this question Take a look at Eric's from squareup presentation material from Oreilly's AndoridOpen Conference last year in his lecture titled Beautiful Android http